F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (2024)

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F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT)

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F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Last updated: July 10, 2024

Quick Links:

  • Overview
  • Recommend Optional Practical Training
  • Edit OPT Request
  • Cancel/Withdraw OPT Request
  • Report OPT Participation
  • Post-completion OPT and Unemployment
  • OPT-Related SEVIS Alerts and Lists
  • View OPT Employment Information
  • H-1B Cap-Gap Extension of OPT
  • Correcting OPT Data: Correction Requests and Data Fixes


F-1 students often want to work. However, employment opportunities are limited, and strict rules apply. This document discusses different types of optional practical training (OPT) including: required forms, processes, and updating SEVIS.

What is Optional Practical Training?

Optional practical training is one type of work permission available for eligible F-1 students. It allows students to get real-world work experience related to their field of study.

While a Designated School Official (DSO) recommends OPT in SEVIS, it is the student who must apply for the work permit with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). If the OPT is approved, USCIS will issue an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). The student must not begin working before the start date on the EAD.

Regulations and Policy Guidance

Complex rules and guidance apply to OPT. Any OPT requests entered into SEVIS must comply with federal regulations. DSOs must understand the following regulations and policy guidance:

OPT Types

There are three general types of OPT:


For students engaged in post-secondary schools or at conservatories. Twelve months of Regular OPT is available for each higher level of study. (For example a student may have 12 months for a bachelor’s degree and another 12 months for a master’s degree.)

  • Pre-Completion OPT: Any portion of OPT used before the student’s Program End Date. It may be part-time or full-time.
  • Post-Completion OPT: Any portion of OPT used after the student’s Program End Date. It must be at least 20 hours per week or full-time.
24-month (STEM) OPT ExtensionFor students who majored in designated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) degrees approved by DHS. This type of OPT is a 24-month extension of OPT.
Cap-Gap OPT ExtensionFor students whose prospective employers filed a qualifying H-1B-cap subject petition.

OPT Request Statuses

The table below lists the statuses used to identify the stages of OPT requests in SEVIS.

StatusStatus Meaning
RequestedDSO requested OPT in SEVIS on behalf of the student, but USCIS has not yet received the Application for Employment Authorization (Form I-765).
PendingUSCIS has received the Form I-765.
ApprovedUSCIS has approved the Form I-765.
DeniedUSCIS has denied the Form I-765.
CanceledDSO or a scheduled SEVIS maintenance job canceled the practical training request in SEVIS.
WithdrawnUSCIS approved the student’s request to withdraw the Form I-765.

OPT Eligibility

A student is eligible for OPT if:

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (7)

Full-time CPT at a previous school at the same program level counts toward the CPT 12month total affecting OPT. CPT at another program level does not affect OPT.

OPT Process at a Glance

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (8)

Remind your F-1 students:

  • Not to file the Form I-765, “Application for Employment Authorization,” until you have recommended OPT in their SEVIS records, and they have the updated Form I-20 with the OPT recommendation.

  • They must file within the 30-day period after your DSO OPT recommendation.

If a student submits the Form I-765 on paper or electronically before you recommend the OPT or after the 30-day post-DSO recommendation period:

  • USCIS will deny the application. (Federal regulations require the DSO OPT recommendation on the student SEVIS record before the Form I-765 is submitted.)

  • The student will lose the application fee.

  • The student will have to reapply for OPT and pay the fee again.

IMPORTANT: Making these mistakes can dramatically delay the final USCIS authorized OPT start date.

The OPT application process involves many players and several steps:

StepUsers Actions
1Student follows school processes to submit an OPT request to the DSO.
  • DSO confirms eligibility, enters the request in SEVIS and issuesthe Form I-20.
  • DSO signs the Form I-20 and gives to the student.
  • Status of the OPT request in SEVIS immediately changes to Requested.
Note: Any OPT status updates to SEVIS are automatic and require no action on the part of the DSO.

Required paperwork:

  • Student signs the Form I-20.
  • Student completes an Application for Employment Authorization (Form I-765). The Form I-765, fee, and supporting documentation must be filed with USCIS within 30 days of the DSO’s recommendation.
Note: The Form I-765 is available on the USCIS website http://www.uscis.gov/i-765. The web site provides submission instructions.
  • Upon receipt of the Form I-765, USCIS issues a Receipt Notice (Form I-797) that contains the receipt number assigned to the case.
  • Through an interface with USCIS, the status of the OPT request in SEVIS changes to Pending.
  • If USCIS needs more information, the student will receive a Request For Evidence (RFE), which states what information is needed and the deadline for submitting it. The student must respond by the deadline.
  • USCIS then makes a decision on the application:
    • If the application is approved, USCIS issues an EAD and the OPT Request status in SEVIS changes to Approved.
    • If the Form I-765 is denied, the OPT Request status in SEVIS changes to Denied.
  • Student receives the EAD and can begin work once the authorized date arrives.
  • When the student is hired, the student reports the employer information to the DSO.
Note: While on OPT, the student must report to the DSO within 10 days any changes in the student’s name or address, and employment information.
6DSO must update SEVIS within 21 days with the employment information and any name or address changes.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (10)

Any F-1 Optional Practical Training request in Requested status longer than 180 days is automatically canceled by SEVIS.

Form I-765 Filing Deadlines Once DSO Requests OPT in SEVIS

Day 1Day 30After Day 30
  • DSO requests OPT in SEVIS
  • 30-day countdown begins
  • 30-day countdown ends
  • USCIS must receive the application
  • Applications received by USCIS after day 30 will be denied

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (11)

If the student does not file a Form I-765, the DSO should cancel the OPT request in SEVIS.

DSOs must be mindful of several key dates when entering OPT in SEVIS.

Key Dates

DSOs must be mindful of several key dates when entering OPT in SEVIS.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (12)

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (13)

Post-Completion OPT Planning Tool:This Excel spreadsheet allows users to calculate the amount of OPT available for a student and generates suggested timelines for a student, based on the Program End Date and the desired OPT start date.

Recommend OPT

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (14)

  • SEVIS will not allow DSOs to request overlapping segments of OPT. You must specify if the OPT is pre-completion or post-completion OPT and must be either full or part part-time.
  • DSOs should verify and, if necessary, shorten the program end date on the Form I-20 before recommending a student for post-completion OPT
  • If a DSO is recommending OPT for a student who plans to split their OPT time between degree programs at the same education level, you should explicitly note in SEVIS that the student is requesting to split their OPT time. The requested OPT validity dates for each particular degree program should be limited to the planned duration of OPT for that program.

To recommend OPT:

1.Go to the Student Information page.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (15)

2.Click OPT Request. The OPT Employment page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (16)

3. Click New OPT Request. The Add OPT Employment page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (17)

4.Enter information relevant to the OPT authorization.

The student has met or will meet the one full academic year requirement by the employment start date.
  • Click the checkbox to indicate the student has met the enrollment requirement.
  • This is a required field.
*OPT Type
  • Select either:
    • Pre-Completion: All employment occurs before the Program End Date.
    • Post-Completion: All employment occurs after the Program End Date.
  • This is a required field.
  • Select either:
    • Part-Time:Select if Pre-Completion OPT occurs when school is in session.
    • Full-Time: Select full-time if:
      • Pre-Completion OPT occurs when school is not in session.
        • Employment is Post-Completion OPT.
    • This is a required field.
*Start Date
  • The date that OPT authorization starts.
  • This date cannot be before the student has completed one academic year of full-time study
  • A student can split their OPT time between degree programs at the same education level (for example, they intend to use six months of OPT after completing a master of fine arts degree and the remaining six months of OPT after completing a master of music degree).
  • The requested OPT validity dates for each particular degree program should be limited to the planned duration of OPT for that program. If the student would like to request less than the maximum validity period of post-completion OPT available for each degree program, you should explicitly note in SEVIS that the student is requesting to split their OPT time.
  • If you initially request 12 months of OPT based on one degree program, the student will be unable to later request OPT based on a different degree program at the same education level.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Post-Completion OPT: Start Date must be on or after the Program End Date. It cannot be more than 60 days after the Program End Date.

  • This is a required field.
*End Date
  • The date the OPT authorization is to end.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Pre-Completion OPT: Cannot be after the Program End Date.
  • Post-Completion OPT: Cannot enter a date more than 12 months after the Employment Start Date.
  • This is a required field.
Student Remarks

Enter or update remarks regarding the student’s planned employment. Use this field to convey important information you think the student or government officials need to know. USCIS has noted they want to see how the planned employment relates to the student’s major course of study. For example: student will pursue training .related to studies.

This field is limited to 1,000 characters.

Note: Comments entered here overwrite any existing remarks that print in the Remarks field on Page 1 of the Form I-20.
Employment Remarks
  • Enter any applicable remarks about the student’s employment. This field is limited to 250 characters.
  • These remarks do not print on the Form I-20.

5.Review the information. Click either Save or Cancel:

  • Cancel:Returns to theOPT Employmentpage without saving.

  • Save: Submits the OPT request. AnUpdate Successfulmessage displays.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (18)

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (19)

To recommend an additional period of OPT, click New OPT Request and repeat Steps 4 and 5.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (20)

The start and end dates for segments of OPT cannot overlap.

  1. Click either Print I-20 or Return to Employment List:
    • Print I‑20: Prints the Form I‑20 with the OPT recommendation.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (21)

  • Once the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) has been submitted, the DSO must sign page one of the form.

  • Form I-20 is given to the student.

  • Find more information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP’s policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20.

  • Return to Employment List: Returns the user to the OPT Employment page. The newly added OPT employmentwill be on the list.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (22)

  1. Review the information on the OPT Employment page. To make changes to the existing OPT request, clickEdit. (See Edit OPT Request below for detailed edit instructions.)
  2. Click either Print I-20 or Return:

    • Print I-20: Prints the Form I-20.

    • Return: Returns the user to the Student Information page.

OPT information can be edited depending on the status of the OPT request:

Request StatusEditable Fields
  • Full-time/Part-time
  • Fulfillment of 1-year requirement
  • Employment Remarks
  • Student Remarks
  • Full-time/Part-time
  • Fullfillment of 1-year requirement
  • Employment Remarks
  • Student Remarks
  • Employer Name
  • Employer Address
  • Explanation for relationship to course work
  • Employment Remarks
  • Student Remarks

To edit an OPT request:

1. Click OPT Request on the Student Information page. The OPT Employment page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (23)

2.Click Edit to the right of the OPT segment to be edited. The Edit OPT Employment page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (24)

3. Make any necessary edits:

*The student has met or will meet the one full academic year requirement by the employment start date.
  • Click the checkbox to indicate the student has met the enrollment requirement.
  • This is a required field.

Select either:

  • Part-Time: Select if Pre-Completion OPT occurs when school is in session.
  • Full-Time: Select full-time if:
    • Pre-Completion OPT occurs when school is not in session.
    • Employment is Post-Completion OPT.
  • This is a required field.
Student Remarks

Enter or update remarks regarding the student.

Note: Comments entered here overwrite any existing remarks that print in the Remarks field on page one of the Form I-20.
Employment RemarksEnter any applicable remarks about the student’s employment.

4. Click either Save or Cancel:

  • Cancel: Returns the user to the OPT Employment page without updating the employment segment.
  • Save: Updates this employment request in the student’s record. An Update Successful message indicates if the edit was successful. Click either Print I-20 or Return to Employment List:

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (25)

  • Print I 20: Prints the Form I-20 with the OPT recommendation.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (26)

  • Once the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) has been submitted, the DSO must sign page one of the form.
  • Form I-20 is given to the student.
  • Find more information on allowable electronic signatures and Form I-20 transmission in SEVP’s policy guidance Use of Electronic Signatures and Transmission for the Form I-20.
  • Return to Employment List: Returns to the OPT Employment page.

An OPT request can be canceled in SEVIS ONLY if the OPT Request is in Requested status.

  • P/DSO can cancel OPT in SEVIS.
  • OPT request status changes to Canceled.
  • Do not cancel OPT request if the student has mailed the Form I-765 to USCIS.
  • P/DSO cannot cancel OPT in SEVIS.
  • Student must write USCIS to withdraw the Form I-765.
  • After processing by USCIS, OPT request status in SEVIS changes to Withdrawn.

Cancel OPT Request

To cancel an OPT request:

1. Go to the Student Information page.

2. Click OPT Request. The OPT Employment page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (27)

3. Click Cancel Requestnext to the segment of OPT you want to cancel. A Confirm Cancelation of Request page opens.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (28)

4. Click either Yes or No:

  • No:Returns the user to the OPT Employment page without canceling the OPT request.
  • Yes: Cancels the OPT request. An Update Successful message verifies that the update was successful. Click either Return to Employment List or Print I-20:
    • Click Print I-20 to print the Form I-20.
    • Click Return to Employment List to return to the OPT Employment page; and then click either Return or Print I-20:
      • Click Print I-20 to print the Form I-20.
      • Click Return to return to the Student Information page.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (29)

The student’s OPT status in the Student Requests section updates to Canceled.

Withdraw OPT Request

Once an OPT request status changes to Pending, the student must write USCIS to withdraw the OPT application. The request must:

  • Be sent to the USCIS Service Center processing the application. The address is on the USCIS-issued Receipt Notice sent to the student.
  • Include the receipt number USCIS assigned the case when it was filed.

While on OPT, a student is required to report the following to their DSO:

  • Change in student’s legal name.
  • Change in student’saddress while on OPT.
  • Changes in employment or interruption of employment.

Students can enter employment information using the SEVP Portalor DSOs can update SEVIS to reflect the changes. Employment information must be updated in a timely manner.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (30)

For additional related information, see:

  • 8 CFR 214.2(f)(12)(ii)(E)
  • SEVP OPT Policy Guidance
  • F-1 Add, Edit, Delete Optional Practical Training (OPT) Employer
  • View Employment Information
  • Unemployment Counter
  • SEVIS and the SEVP Portal
  • SEVP Portal Student User Guide

DSOs are expected to add, edit, or delete employer information in a timely manner.

While students are not required to have an employer when OPT is requested in SEVIS, students authorized for post-completion OPT are expected to be employed. A student on post-completion OPT can be unemployed for a total of 90 days.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (31)

  • A student whose record lacks employer information is considered unemployed.
  • SEVP officials can manually terminate a student who accrues 90 total days of unemployment.
  • See the Unemployment Counter article on the SEVIS Help Hub for more information.

The following Alert List and Student Lists in SEVIS help DSOs monitor and manage students on OPT:

Accrued Unemployment Days for Students on Approved OPT or STEM

This Alert List shows:

  • Surname/Primary Name
  • Given Name
  • OPT Type (Post-completion or STEM OPT)
  • OPT Actual Start Date
  • OPT Actual End Date
  • Currently Employed
  • The number of days of unemployment allowed
  • The number of days of unemployment used
  • The number of days of unemployment remaining

Note: All employer start and end dates must be within the employment actual start and end dates. If employer dates fall outside the actual start and end dates the student will appear on this list and as unemployed.

Students with Requested, Pending, or Approved Optional Practical Training (OPT)

This Student List shows:

  • Active indicator
  • Visa Type
  • Surname/Primary Name
  • Given Name
  • DSO Recommended Start and End Dates
  • Actual OPT Start and End Dates
  • Student's Email Address
  • OPT Type
  • Request Status
  • Receipt Number
Students Terminated for Exceeding the Maximum Number of Days of UnemploymentThis Student List shows:
  • Class of Admission
  • Surname/Primary Name
  • Given Name
  • Termination Date
  • OPT Type

DSOs can view a student’s OPT information on the following pages, which are accessed through the View section of the Student Information page:

  • Request/Authorization Details page:Lists only current authorizations.
  • Employment Information page: Lists all employment authorizations linked to the SEVIS ID.

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (32)

For additional related information, see:

  • View Employment Information

SEVIS will automatically extend post-completion OPT or 24-month science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) extension of OPT if:

  • On or after April 1, an employer files an eligible H-1B petition to change the student’s status.
  • The requested start date for the H-1B is October 1.
  • The student’s OPT or 17-month OPT extension ends on or after April 1.
  • Review the F-1 Cap Gap Extensionarticlefor information on how to add or edit cap gap information on a record.

If OPT information in SEVIS does not reflect applications filed with or decisions made by USCIS, DSOs can ask to have the record corrected. There are two ways to correct data in a student record.

MethodWhat Can be Fixed
Correction Request

This option is used to request changes (using SEVIS) for the following:

  • Status of OPT Request.
  • Employment Start Date.
  • Employment End Date.
SRC Ticket (Data Fix)

This option is used for more complicated issues and requires DSOs to contact the SEVP Response Center (SRC) via phone at 703-603-3400 or 1-800-892-4829, or via email at SEVP@ice.dhs.gov. Types of OPT-related data fixes include:

  • Adding retroactive OPT to a record.
  • Changing the OPT request status for an OPT request that is already in Approved status.
  • Any data fix that cannot be submitted in a correction request.

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What's New

F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (33)

Try the Facebook Chatbot

Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

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F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (34)

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school.

Read more on the blog

Icon Guide

See the SEVIS Help Icons on the SEVIS Help Hub for a quick-reference of the icons used in this user guide.

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8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET,
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F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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