Transgender U.S. History, 1528-2020 · OutHistory (2024)


Beemyn, Genny. “References,” Transgender History in the United States: A Special Unabridged Version of a Book Chapter from Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, edited by Laura Erickson-Schroth (Oxford University Press, 2022). Revised as chronology and reprinted with the permission of Beemyn. Accessed November 25, from

Katz, Jonathan Ned. Gay American History (T. Y. Crowell, 1976). Colonial-era documents referencing colonialists’ perceptions of transgender Native Americans, plus later references to transgender Native Americans.

Kronk, Clair. "Chronological Database of Transgender and Gender-Variant U.S. Histories." Created for OutHistory, October 2, 2020.

1528-00-00-1536-00-00:Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: "I saw a devilish thing," 1528-36 "I saw a devilish thing". Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca's report of his five-year captivity among the Indians of Florida, from 1528 to 1533: “During the time that I was thus among these people I saw a devilish thing, and it is that I saw one man married to another, and these are impotent, effeminate men [amarionados] and they go about dressed as women, and do women's tasks, and shoot with a bow, and carry great burdens, ... and they are huskier than the other men, and taller....”

1540-00-00:Hernando de Alarcon: "Men in women's apparell," 1540 The earliest transgender-related data for any part of California is found in Captain Alarcon's brief observation, dating to 1540, of the natives of that area: “There were among these Indians three or foure men in womens apparell.”

1562-00-00-1567-00-00:Rene Goulaine de Laudonniere: "Many hermaphrodites," 1562-67 Captain Laudonnlere's account of four French expeditions into Florida during the years 1562-67 observes: “There are in all this country many hermaphrodites, which take all the greatest paine and beare the victuals when they goe to warre.”

1564-00-00:Jacques Le Moyne: "Hermaphrodites," 1564 Le Moyne traveled to Florida as an artist with the French expedition commanded by l.cudonnlere. About twenty years later, in London, Le Moyne wrote a travel memoir accompanied by sketches. These pictures and descriptions are now known only by the engravings and translations made of them by Theodore de Bry, first published in 1591.

1609-00-00: Juan de Torquemada: mariones (effeminate men): 1609

1666-00-00 – 1697-00-00 Francisco Coreal: Effeminate Boys: 1666-1697

1673-00-00-1677-00-00:Jacques Marquette: "They pass for Manitous," 1673-77 Jesuit Father Marquette's account of his first voyage down the Mississippi in 1673-77 declares: “I know not through what superstition some Ilinois, as well as some Nadouessi, while still young, assume the garb of women, and retain it throughout their lives. There is some mystery in this, For they never marry and glory in demeaning themselves to do everything that the women do. They go to war, however, but can use only clubs, and not bows and arrows, which are the weapons proper to men. They are present at all the juggleries, and at the solemn dances in honor of the Calumet; at these they sing, but must not dance. They are summoned to the Councils, and nothing can be decided without their advice. Finally, through their profession of leading an Extraordinary life, they pass for Manitous,-That is to say, for Spirits,-or persons of Consequence.”

1702-00-00 Pierre Liette: "The sin of sodomy prevails," 1702

1711-00-00 – 1717-00-00 Joseph Francois Lafitau: "Men Who dress as women," 1711-17

1721-00-00 Pierre Francois Xavier de Charlevoix: "Effeminacy and lewdness," 1721 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1750-00-00 Georg Heinrich Loskiel: "Unnatural sins," 1750 Tags: Native American; Same-sex sexuality

1750-00-00: Anonymous. (1989 [1750]). The female soldier; or, the surprising life and adventures of Hannah Snell. Los Angeles:William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.

1751-00-00 – 1762-00-00 Jean-Bernard Bossu: "Most are addicted to sodomy," 1751-62 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1775-00-00 – 1776-00-00 Pedro Font: "dedicated to nefarious practices," 1775-76 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1777-00-00 Francisco Palou: "Abominable vice will be eliminated," 1777 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1801-00-00 Henry and Thompson: "Cannot persuade him," 1801 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1804-00-00 -- 1810-00-00 Nicholas Biddle: "Men Dressed in Squars Clothes", 1804-10 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1811-00-00 Claude E. Schaeffer: "Kutenai Female Berdache," 1811 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1819-00-00 - 1820-00-00 James and Say's "Sodomy is commonly committed," 1819-20 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1823-00-00 Keating's "Numerous stories of hermaphrodites," 1823 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1826-00-00 McKenney's "What they call a man-woman," 1826 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1828-00-00 McCoy's "His presence was so disgusting," 1828 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1830-00-00 Tanner's "those who make themselves women," 1830 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1832-00-00 – 1839-00-00 Catlin's "Dance to the Berdashe," 1832-39 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1841-00-00 De Smet's "A woman dreamt she was a man," 1841 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1850-00-00 – 1895-00-00 Devereux's "Case of Sahaykwisa," 1850-1895 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1855-00-00 – 1656-00-00 Denig's "Biography of Woman Chief," 1855-56 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1855-00-00: Lobdell, Lucy Ann. Narrative of Lucy Ann Lobdell, the female hunter of Sullivan and Delaware Counties, N.Y. Lucy Ann Lobdell. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Joseph Lobdell (1829 – 1912).

1878-00-00: Arrigo Tamassia coins the Italian term “inversion sessuale” which is later translated into English as “sexual inversion”.

1880-01-03: “The Reported Man-Woman Case”. Sacramento Daily Record-Union. Sacramento, California, United States. This article notes that it was “commoner to find women capable of personating men than men capable of personating women” in regard to the ‘case’ of Charley Parkhurst. Tags: Male impersonation; Charley Parkhurst; Men-women.

1880-01-14: “A Strange Story: Charley Parkhurst, the Noted Stage Driver, Discovered to be a Woman”. The Rochester Evening Express. Vol. 22, No. 11. p. 1. Rochester, New York, United States. Tags: Charley Parkhurst.

1880-02-21: “Charley Parkhurst: A Story of a Californian Who Won a World-Wide Renown”. The Middletown Transcript. Vol. 13, No. 8. p. 1. Middletown, Delaware, United States. Tags: Charley Parkhurst

1880-03-05: “‘Charley’ Parkhurst: A Woman Who Passed As A Man For A Quarter Of A Century”. The Democratic Times. Vol. 10, No. 11. p. 1. Jacksonville, Oregon, United States. In this article, Charley Parkhurst is described as having “conceal[ed] her [sic] sex”. Vern L. Bullough wrote about Charley Parkhurst as being “transsexual” in September 1975 (“Transsexualism in History,” published in Archives of Sexual Behavior). Tags: Charley Parkhurst.

1883-01-00: Wise, P. M. “Case of Sexual Perversion”. The Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 4, No. 1. pp. 87-91. Ev. E. Carreras. St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Tags: Joseph Lobdell (1829 – 1912); Sexual perversion.

1883-04-00: Shaw, J.C.; Ferris, G. N. “Perverted Sexual Instinct”. Edited by William J. Morton. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 185-204. AMS Press, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Pages 185-91, 196-8 may appear most directly relevant to those studying transgender history.

1889-00-00 Dr. A. B. Holder (Memphis, TN): "A Peculiar Sexual Perversion," 1889 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1895-09-00: Weir, James Jr. “The Effect of Female Suffrage on Posterity”. The American Naturalist. Vol. 29, No. 345. pp. 815-25. University of Chicago Press. Tags: Viragints; Androgynes; Gynandrists; Psycho-sexual aberrants. This article argues that giving women the right to vote and access to political power will turn them into "viragints": “The simple right to vote carries with it no immediate danger. The danger comes afterward, probably many years after the establishment of female suffrage, when woman, owing to her atavistic tendencies, hurries ever backward toward the state of her barbarian ancestors. I see in the establishment of equal rights, the first step toward that abyss of immoral horrors....”

1895-09-28: “What is a Viragint?”. Woman’s Voice and Public School Champion. Tags: Viragints.

1896-00-00 – 1897-00-00 Stevenson's "Death caused universal regret," 1896-97 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1896-04-00: Ellis, Henry Havelock. “Sexual Inversion in Men”. The Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 17, No. 2. pp. 115-50. Tags: Sexual inversion; Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939).

1897-04-00: Howard, William Lee. “Psychical Hermaphroditism: A Few Notes on Sexual Perversion, with Two Clinical Cases of Sexual Inversion”. The Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 18, No. 2. pp. 111-8. Press of Hughes & Company. St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Note: A reprint of this source is available at the Internet Archive here: Tags: Psychical hermaphroditism; Sexual perversion; Sexual inversion.

1897-08-00: Weir, James Jr. The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire. 2nd Ed. Courier-Journal Job Printing Co. Louisville, Kentucky, United States. Tags: Viragints; Viraginity.

1899-00-00: Gould, George M. An Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology and Allied Sciences. 4th Ed. P. Blakiston’s Son & Co. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Tags: Medicine; Dictionaries; Biology. Tags: Viragints; Viraginity.

1900-00-00: Report of the Special Committee of the Assembly Appointed to Investigate the Public Offices and Departments of the City of New York and of the Counties Therein Included. Vol. 1. James B. Lyon. Albany, New York, United States. Tags: Paresis Hall. Relevant information is included on page 174.

1900-00-00: Report of the Special Committee of the Assembly Appointed to Investigate the Public Offices and Departments of the City of New York and of the Counties Therein Included. Vol. 2. James B. Lyon. Albany, New York, United States. Tags: Paresis Hall. Relevant information is included on page 1429. Note: In Ralph Werther/Jennie June’s works Autobiography of an Androgyne and The Female-Impersonators, he describes female impersonators performing at Paresis Hall. In this government report, Joel S. Harris testifies: “These men that conduct themselves there [in Paresis Hall]—well, they act effeminately; most of them are painted and powdered; they are called Princess this and Lady So and So and the Dutchess of Marlboro, and get up and sing as women, and dance; ape the female character; call each other sisters and take people out for immoral purposes.”

1901-00-00 – 1902-00-00 Jones' "They Played the Harlot with Each Other," 1901-02 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Female-Female Sexuality; Native American

1901-00-00: Ellis, Henry Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Vol. 2. 1st Ed. F. A. Davis Company. Tags: Psychology; Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939).

1901-01-18: “Death Revealed Her Sex”. New York Tribune. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-01-18: “Woman Long Posed as a Man: Murray Hall Had Conducted an Employment Agency—Sex Revealed at Death”. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-01-19: “Amazed at Hall Revelations”. Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Illinois, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-01-19: “Murray Hallfooled many shrewd men: How for Years She Masqueraded in Male Attire”. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901); Gender masquerade.

1901-01-19: “Murray Hall’s Funeral”. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-01-19: “Mystery of Murray Hall”. New York Tribune. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-01-19: “She’s Dead, the Poor Fellow!”. New York Tribune. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

1901-02-21: “Ellis Glenn: Impostress Again Brought Into Court in West Virginia”. The Paducah Sun. Paducah, Kentucky, United States. DTA: 5712m6770. Tags: E. B. Glenn; Gender masquerade; Male impersonation.

1901-10-01: “Traveled as Man; Death on Steamship Reveals a Strange Story; ‘Twas Whim of an Artist: Caroline Hall of Boston Masquerades as Married Man Until Death Yields Up Secret”. Davenport Daily Republican. Davenport, Iowa, United States. Tags: Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901).

1901-10-02: “Revealed by Death”. Daily Northwestern. Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States. Tags: Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901).

1901-10-02: “Woman Who Posed as Man: She Was the Daughter of Prominent Boston Architect”. Atlanta Constitution. Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Tags: Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901).

1901-10-03: “The Body of Miss Hall Given Burial Today”. Marion Daily Star. Marion, Ohio, United States. Tags: Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901).

1901-10-09: “Not a New Woman Freak: Many Women Have Masqueraded in Garb of Men”. Davenport Daily Republican. Davenport, Iowa, United States. Tags: Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901); Murray Hall (1841 – 1901); Martha Parks Lindley; Deborah Sampson (1760 – 1827); Mary Anne Taylor; James Barry (1789 – 1865); Sándor Vay (1859 – 1918); Jack Jorgensen (– 1893); Edward De Lacy Evans (1830 – 1901); E. B. Glenn; Julia Forrest; Gender masquerade.

1902-00-00 Simms' "He compelled these people to wear men's clothing," 1902 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1902-01-00: Seligmann, C. G. “Sexual Inversion among Primitive Races”. The Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 23, No. 1. pp. 11-5. Tags: Sexual inversion.

1905-03-00: Weir, James Jr. Religion and Lust. 3rd Ed. Chicago Medical Book Co. Tags: Viraginity; Viragints.

1905-07-00: Schufeldt, R. W. “The Medico-Legal Consideration of Perverts and Inverts”. Pacific Medical Journal. Vol. 48, No. 7. pp. 385-91. Pacific Medical Journal. San Francisco, California, United States. This article marks the first confirmed appearance of Ralph Werther/Jennie June in the literature. Tags: Sexual inversion; Sexual perversion; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921); R. W. Schufeldt (1850 – 1934).

1906-00-00: Casparian, Gregory. An Anglo-American Alliance: A Serio-Comic Romance and Forecast of the Future. Mayflower Presses. Floral Park, New York, United States. Project Gutenberg: 52913. This work features the first description of a surgical sex change in literature, however it simply refers to the event as “the transformation”. Note: On pages 114 to 115, Casparian’s writes: “The patient at once became conscious that her bodily transformation was complete, for it did not take her long to realize it as HE stood there, a beautiful specimen of manhood!”. Tags: Sexual transformation; Science fiction; Gender affirming surgery (GAS).

1906-00-00: Parke, J. Richardson. Human Sexuality: A Medico-Literary Treatise on the Laws, Anomalies, and Relations of Sex. Professional Publishing Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

1907-00-00 – 1912-00-00 Lowie's "One surviving berdache," 1907-12 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1907-07-25: MacDonald, Arthur. “Physical Stigmata of Degeneration”. The Medical Fortnightly. Vol. 32, No. 2. pp. 346-53. Tags: Androgynes Note: MacDonald uses the term “androgyn” in this article, i.e. “individuals with only a partial inversion of sex, called androgyns, who are not wholly hermaphrodites”. This spelling is reused in Juvenile Crime and Reformation (1908).; Sexual inversion.

1908-00-00 Westermarck's "hom*osexual Love," 1908 Tags:Native American; Same-sex Sexuality

1908-00-00: Ellis, Henry Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Vol. 2. 2nd Ed. F. A. Davis Company. Tags: Psychology; Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939).

1908-05-21: MacDonald, Arthur. Juvenile Crime and Reformation: Including Stigmata of Degeneration; Being a Hearing on the Bill (H. R. 16733) to Establish a Laboratory for the Study of the Criminal, Pauper, and Defective Classes. United States Government Printing Office. Tags: Androgynes; Sexual inversion.

1909-00-00 Lowie's "She eloped with her sister-in-law," 1909 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American; Female-Female Sexuality

1910-00-00 Hirschfeld, M. (1991 [1910]). Transvestites:The erotic drive to cross dress (M. A. Lombardi-Nash, Trans.). Buffalo, NY:PrometheusBooks.

1911-00-00 Carpenter's "Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk," 1911; Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1911-00-00 Karsch-Haack's "Same-Sex Life of Primitive Peoples," 1911 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American; Same-Sex Sexuality

1913-03-00: McMutrie, Douglas C. “Principles of hom*osexuality and Sexual Inversion in the Female”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 9, No. 3. pp. 144-53. Tags: Sexual inversion.

1913-05-00: Ellis, Henry Havelock. “Sexo-Aesthetic Inversion”. The Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 34, No. 2. pp. 156-67. St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Part one of an article continued in August of 1913. Tags: Sexual inversion; Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939).

1913-05-10: “A Woman in the Army”. The Macon Republican. Vol. 43, No. 15. p. 1. Macon, Missouri, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1913-05-21: “Admits He’s a She: ‘Albert D. Cashier’ Was Miss Georgia Hughes”. The Leavenworth Post. p. 1. Leavenworth, Kansas, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915).

1913-06-01: “Harrison Aldridge Acquainted with the ‘Woman of Mystery’”. The Decatur Herald. p. 13. Decatur, Illinois, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915).

1913-06-06: “Remarkable War Veteran: Woman Fought Three Years In Civil War”. The Hartford Republican. p. 1. Hartford, Kentucky, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-28: “Masqueraded as a Man for 60 Years”. The Boston Globe. p. 1. Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); Gender masquerade.

1914-03-28: “She Served in Army”. The Salina Evening Journal. p. 1. Salina, Kansas, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-28: “Woman Soldier Sent to Asylum”. The Daily Times. p. 1. Davenport, Iowa, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-29: “Veteran, After 60 Years, Discovered To Be A Woman”. The Philadelphia Inquirer. p. 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-29: “Woman Who Served in Civil War as a Man, Found Insane”. Democrat and Chronicle. p. 3. Rochester, New York, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-30: “Woman Soldier to Asylum”. Journal Gazette. p. 8. Mattoon, Illinois, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1914-03-31: “Woman Soldier Is In Asylum”. Belvidere Daily Republican. p. 12. Belvidere, Illinois, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1915-00-00: Talmey, Bernard S. Love: A Treatise on the Science of Sex-Attraction. Practitioners’ Publishing Company. New York City, New York, United States.

1915-06-01: “Woman Soldier to Don Uniform for the Review”. The Daily Times. p. 17. Davenport, Iowa, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1915-09-07: “Woman Warrior Is Near Death”. Belvidere Daily Republican. p. 5. Belvidere, Illinois, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1915-10-12: “Woman Who Fought As Soldier Is Dead”. The Daily Gate City. p. 8. Keokuk, Iowa, United States. Tags: Albert D. Cashier (1843 – 1915); American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

1917-08-03: “Killed Herself Rather Than Be Woman Again”. Galesburg Evening Mail. Galesburg, Illinois, United States. Tags: Samuel Ackerman (– 1917).

1917-10-00: “Disappearing Girls and White Slaves”. The Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Vol. 21, No. 10. pp. 592-4. Tags: Samuel Ackerman (– 1917).

1918-00-00: Jacoby, George W. The Unsound Mind and the Law: A Presentation of Forensic Psychiatry. Funk & Wagnalls Company.

1918-03-26: “Dr. Hart explains change to male attire”. Albany Daily Democrat. p. 1. Albany, Oregon, United States. Tags: Alan L. Hart (1890 – 1962).

1918-10-00: Werther, Ralph. “The Fairie Boy”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 14, No. 10. pp. 433-7. Urologic Publishing Association. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Fairies; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1918-11-00: Werther, Ralph. “The Girl-Boy’s Suicide”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 14, No. 11. pp. 495-9. Urologic Publishing Association. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Girl-boys; Sissies; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1919-00-00: Lind, Earl. Autobiography of an Androgyne. Edited by Alfred W. Herzog. Received 1918. The Medico-Legal Journal. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Androgynes; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1919-03-00: Werther, Ralph. “Boy—But Never Man”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 15, No. 3. pp. 97-101. Tags: Sissies; Mollies; Girl-boys; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1919-04-00: “Viraginity and Effemination”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 15, No. 4. pp. 187-8. Tags: Viraginity.

1919-04-00: Werther, Ralph. “The Sorrows of Jennie June”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 15, No. 4. pp. 160-5. Tags: Androgynes; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1919-06-00: Werther, Ralph. “The Female-Impersonator”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 15, No. 6. pp. 241-5. Tags: Female impersonation; Androgynes; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1919-07-00: Werther, Ralph. “A Protest from an Androgyne”. Edited by William J. Robinson. The American Journal of Urology and Sexology. Vol. 15, No. 7. pp. 313-6. Tags: Androgynes; Sexual inversion; Androgynism; Fairies; Viraginity; Gynandry; Viragos; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1920-10-00: Gilbert, Joshua Allen. “hom*o-sexuality and Its Treatment”. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 52, No. 4. pp. 297-322. Smith Ely Jelliffe. New York City, New York, United States. DOI: 10.1097/00005053-192010000-00002. Note: Jonathan Ned Katz later identified “H” as Alan Hart. Gilbert refers to “H” as having a case of “abnormal inversion”. Tags: Sexual inversion; Alan L. Hart (1890 – 1962); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Hysterectomy; hom*osexuality.

1920-12-00: Werther, Ralph. “Studies in Androgynism”. Edited by Victor Robinson. Medical Life. Vol. 27, No. 12. pp. 235-46. Tags: Androgynism; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1921-00-00: Agreement between Dr. Victor Robinson and Mr. Ralph Werther. Unpublished. Tags: Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1921-00-00: Bridges, James Winifred. An Outline of Abnormal Psychology. 2nd Edition. R. G. Adams & Co. Columbus, Ohio, United States. Tags: Psychology.

1921-00-00: Slominski, Ladislaus. Erroneous Human Laws and The Social Evils. 1st Edition. W. H. Bastian Printing Co. Sioux City, Iowa, United States.

1921-00-00: Werther, Ralph. The Riddle of the Underworld. Edited by Victor Robinson and Randall Sell. Unpublished. Tags: Androgynes, Female impersonation, Fairies, Girl-boys; Gynanders; Androgynism; Gynandrism; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1921-11-00: Werther, Ralph. “A Fairie’s Reply to Dr Lichtenstein”. Medical Review of Reviews. Vol. 27, No. 11. pp. 539-42. Medical Review of Reviews, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Fairies; Androgynes; Androgynism; Female impersonation; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1921-11-00: Werther, Ralph. “A Fairie’s Reply to Dr. Lichtenstein”. Edited by Thos. W. Ross. The Medico. Vol. 2, No. 6. pp. 25-30. Reprint. The Medico Publishing Co. Portland, Oregon, United States. Tags: Fairies; Androgynes; Androgynism; Female impersonation; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1922-00-00: Werther, Ralph. The Female-Impersonators. Edited by Alfred W. Herzog. The Medico-Legal Journal. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Female impersonation; Androgynes; Fairies; Androgynism; Gynandrism; Girl-boys; Gynanders; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1922-04-00: Hinkle, Beatrice M. “A Study of Psychological Types”. The Psychoanalytic Review. Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 107-97. The content most relevant to transgender persons is contained on pages 153 to 159. Note: The patient herein is referred to as one of the “bisexual types”. In this article, the patient states that their “strongest wish was to be a woman myself” and it is noted that “[i]n the hospital the tendency to dress in woman’s clothes grew more pronounced” (page 156).

1922-06-00: “Transvestism Detection and Suicide”. The Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Vol. 26, No. 6. pp. 380-1. Tags: Transvestism; Samuel Ackerman (– 1917); Suicide.

1923-05-00: “Psychology of the Female Impersonator”. The Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Vol. 27, No. 5. pp. 324-5. Tags: Female impersonation; Psychology.

1923-07-00: “‘Missing Girls,’ Wanderlust and Transvestism”. The Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Vol. 27, No. 7. p. 31. Tags: Transvestism; Samuel Ackerman (– 1917).

1928-00-00: Ellis, Henry Havelock. “Eonism” in Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Vol. 7. pp. 1-110. F. A. Davis Company. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Tags: Eonism; Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939).

1930-00-00 Spier's "Transvestites or berdaches," 1930 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1931-00-00 Gifford's "Kamia origin story," 1931 Tags: “female transvestite”; Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1933-00-00 Gifford's "Female transvestites," 1933 Tags: “female transvestite”; Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1933-00-00: Bloch, Iwan. Anthropological Studies on the Strange Sexual Practices of All Races and All Ages. Translated by Kenne Wallis. Anthropological Press. New York City, New York, United States. pp. 224-9. Tags: Iwan Bloch (1872 – 1922); Anthropology.

1933-00-00: Davenport, John. “Eunuchism” in Curiosities of Erotic Physiology. Robin Hood House. In this chapter, Davenport describes five “classes” of “eunuchism”. Note: From pages 156 to 157: “The first [class] consists of such as are born so, they being eunuchs, properly so called... The second class of the castrated included those who had been deprived of their virility, either with or without their consent, who are incapable of performing any of the functions of generation, and who are obliged to void their urine by means of an artificial pipe... The third class consists of such whose cremaster muscles have, by means of continual fiction, disappeared, and become altogether obliterated... The fourth class included those who, from natural malformation, frigidity of temperament, or accident, were incapacitated from performing the generative act... To those four may be added a fifth class, embracing those who voluntarily eunuchized themselves in order to escape the leprosy and the gout, preferring exemption from these diseases to the pleasures of sexual intercourse.” Tags: Eunuchism; Eunuchs; Castratos; Spados; Thlibias; Cremasters; Bagoas; John Davenport.

1933-00-00: Davenport, John. “Hermaphrodism” in Curiosities of Erotic Physiology. Robin Hood House. Tags: Hermaphrodism; Hermaphrodites; John Davenport.

1933-00-00: Elbe, Lili. Man Into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. Edited by Ernst Harthern. Translated by Norman Haire. E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. First edition published in the United States; first introduction of the term “change of sex” (and “sex change”) in reference to gender confirming surgeries in English; originally published in 1932 under the title Ein Mensch wechselt sein Geschlecht: Eine Lebensbeichte. Tags: Lili Elbe (1882 – 1931); Sex change; Norman Haire (1892 – 1952); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Vaginoplasty; Uterus transplantation.

1933-04-08: Anonymous. (1933, April 8). Police keep crowd of 200 from third sex. The Afro-American,p.9.

1933-10-22: “Astounding Case of the Man Who Was Changed Into a Woman”. Omaha World-Herald. p. 2. Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Tags: Sex change.

1934-00-00: Koestler, Arthur. The Encyclopedia of Sexual Knowledge. pp. 401-5. Edited by Norman Haire. F. Aldor. London, England, United Kingdom. Note: This work contributes to the conflation of hom*osexuality and being transgender by stating that “[t]he way in which transvestism is brought about raises the same problem as that of the origin of hom*osexuality.” Tags: Transvestism; Magnus Hirschfeld (1868 – 1935); Henry Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939); Eonism; Chevalier d'Éon (1728 – 1810); hom*osexuality; Dora Richter (1891 – 1933); Transvestist; Sex Change; Castration; Orchiectomy; Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Penectomy; Vaginoplasty; Norman Haire (1892 – 1952).

1934-00-00: Werther, Ralph. “The Biologic Sport of Fairieism”. Medical Review of Reviews. Vol. 40. pp. 185-94. Reprint. Medical Review of Reviews, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Fairieism; Fairies; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1935-00-00 - 1960-00-00 Drexel, A. (1997). Before Paris burned:Race, class, and male hom*osexuality on the Chicago South Side, 1935-1960. In B. Beemyn (Ed.), Creating a place for ourselves:Lesbian, gay, and bisexual community histories (pp. 119-44). NewYork:Routledge.

1937-00-00: Wickets, Donald Furthman. “Can Sex in Humans Be Changed?”. Physical Culture. Vol. 77, No. 1. pp. 16-7, 83-5. New York City, New York, United States. DTA: xp68kg35z. Tags: Sex change.

1940-03-06: “Masquerade Ends”. Kingston Daily Freeman. Kingston, New York, United States. Tags: Gender masquerade; Adele Best (1869 – 1940).

1940-03-06: “Pre-Death Examination Reveals ‘Woman’ Is Man”. Buffalo Courier-Express. p. 3. Buffalo, New York, United States. Tags: Adele Best (1869 – 1940).

1940-03-06: “Reveal After Death Man Masqueraded As Woman For 50 Years”. Niagara Falls Gazette. Vol. 46, No. 300. p. 1. Niagara Falls, New York, United States. Tags: Adele Best (1869 – 1940); Gender masquerade.

1940-03-06: “Widow, Wed Thrice in 50 Years, a Man”. San Francisco Chronicle. San Francisco, California, United States. Tags: Adele Best (1869 – 1940).

1940-03-07: “Man’s Masquerade Revealed by Death”. Times Union. No. 10014. p. 1. Albany, New York, United States. Tags: Adele Best (1869 – 1940); Gender masquerade.

1941-07-03: “Classified 4-F After Sex Change”. The Bee. p. 10. Danville, Virginia, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change.

1941-07-04: “Asks Legal Permission To Take Woman’s Name”. Star-Phoenix. p. 7. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Name change.

1941-07-04: “Edward P. Richards, Who Wants to Change Name Because of Pronounced Sex Change, Discloses He Was Married Last November”. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times. p. 7. Corpus Christi, Texas, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change; Marriage; Name change.

1941-07-04: “Man Asks Court For Girl’s Name After Sex Change”. News-Press. p. 1. Fort Myers, Florida, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change; Name change.

1941-07-04: “Man Asks Court to Grant New Name As Sex Change Makes Him a Woman”. The Courier-Journal. p. 3. Louisville, Kentucky, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change; Name change.

1941-07-04: “Man Changing to Woman Retains Wife’s Sympathy”. The Courier. p. 2. Waterloo, Iowa, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change.

1941-07-04: “Man Reveals ‘Her’ Wedding”. The Decatur Herald. p. 1. Decatur, Illinois, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Marriage.

1941-07-04: “Man Who Underwent Sex Change Married”. The San Bernardino County Sun. p. 2. San Bernardino, California, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change; Marriage.

1941-07-04: “Man, Now Woman, Married Months”. Times Colonist. Vol. 99, No. 3. p. 2. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Marriage.

1941-07-04: “Marriage Disclosed by Man Undergoing Radical Sex Change”. Asheville Citizen-Times. p. 15. Asheville, North Carolina, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Sex change; Marriage.

1941-07-05: “Man ‘Turning Into A Woman’ Seeks Court's Permission To Change Name”. The Star Press. p. 3. Muncie, Indiana, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Name change.

1941-07-06: “Man Becomes Woman, Wife Tells Of Strange Wedlock”. Arizona Republic. p. 6. Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –); Marriage.

1941-08-15: “He or She?”. Times Colonist. Vol. 99, No. 39. p. 1. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –).

1941-11-07: “Wife Asks Ties Cut With ‘Miss’”. The Los Angeles Times. p. 24. Los Angeles, California, United States. Tags: Barbara Ann Richards (1912 –).

1943-00-00 Hill's "Transvestites among the whites," 1943 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American

1944-02-00: Olkon, D. M. and Irene Case Sherman. “Eonism With Added Outstanding Psychopathic Features: A Unique Psychopathological Case”. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 99, No. 2. pp. 159-67. Tags: Eonism.

1945-10-25: “‘Maid’ Arrested As Draft Dodger”. The San Francisco Examiner. p. 19. San Francisco, California, United States. Tags: African American; Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886 – 1954).

1945-10-25: “F.B.I. Classifies ‘Maid’ as Man”. The Los Angeles Times. p. 15. Los Angeles, California, United States. Tags: African American; Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886 – 1954). African American;

1945-10-26: “Housemaid Arrested As Male Draft Dodger”. The San Bernardino County Sun. p. 3. San Bernardino, California, United States. Tags: African American; Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886 – 1954).

1946-00-00 Dillon, M. (1946). Self:Astudy in ethics and endocrinology. London:William Heinemann Medical Books.

1946-04-27: “Death Proves Cobra Woman Male, Wed To Man 18 Years”. The Billboard. p. 59. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Elsie Marks (1888 – 1946).

1946-05-10: “Lucy Released, Must Wear Men’s Clothes”. Press-Courier. Vol. 38, No. 263. p. 1. Oxnard, California, United States. Tags: African American; Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886 – 1954).

1946-07-22: “Lucy Hicks Hopes to Avoid Jail Term”. Press-Courier. Vol. 39, No. 18. p. 1. Oxnard, California, United States. Tags: African American; Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886 – 1954); Incarceration.

1947-00-00 Leighton and Kluckhohn's "Hermaphrodites or hom*osexuals," 1947 Tags: Gender-Nonconformity; Native American; Same-sex Sexuality

1947-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “IV. Desire for Surgical Sex Transmutation: An Insane Fancy of Near Males” in Effects of castration on men and women: accidental, voluntary and involuntary castration: eunuchism and history: medical treatment and aspects. Haldeman-Julius Publications. Tags: Sex transmutation; Eunuchism; David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Orchiectomy; Castration.

1947-01-04: “Elsie Marks, cobra woman, who operated a Snake Show on Long Beach Pike, Long Beach, Calif…”. The Billboard. p. 30. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Elsie Marks (1888 – 1946).

1948-02-07: “‘Man’ Will Get Sanity Test: Masquerading Woman Faces Hearing”. The San Francisco Examiner. p. 5. San Francisco, California, United States. Tags: John Lynch (1913 – 1971); Gender masquerade.

1948-02-10: “Case Delayed”. The San Francisco Examiner. p. 4. San Francisco, California, United States. Tags: John Lynch (1913 – 1971).

1948-07-00: Grotjahn, M. “Transvestite Fantasy Expressed in a Drawing”. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. pp. 340-5. PMID: 18883890. Tags: Transvestite.

1949-12-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “Psychopathia transexualis”. Sexology. Vol. 16. p. 274-80. Tags: David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Psychopathia transexualis; Transsexuals.

1950-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. Questions and Answers on the Sex Life and Sexual Problems of Trans-Sexuals. Haldeman-Julius Publications. Tags: Transsexuals; David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Transvestites.

1950-04-00: Haire, Norman. “Change of Sex”. The Journal of Sex Education. Vol. 2, No. 5. pp. 200-3. Tags: Sex change; Norman Haire (1892 – 1952).

1950-08-12: “‘Woman’ Prisoner Found to Be Male”. San Bernardino Daily Sun. Vol. 56, No. 306. p. 4. San Bernardino, California, United States. Tags: Josephine Montgomery; Incarceration.

1950-09-04: “Filial Duty”. Time. Time Inc. New York City, New York, United States. Tags: Josephine Montgomery; Incarceration.

1951-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. Sex Transmutation — Can One's Sex Be Changed? Haldeman-Julius Publications. Tags: Sex transmutation; Sex change; David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Transsexuals.

1951-10-00: “The Man Who Lived 30 Years As A Woman”. Ebony. Vol. 6, No. 12. pp. 23-6. Tags: Fairies; Georgia Black (1906 – 1951).

1952-00-00: “Section II. B. Definition of Terms”. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: Mental Disorders. pp. 38-39. American Psychiatric Association Mental Hospital Service. Washington, D.C., United States. DSM-I classifies “transvestism” as a kind of “sexual deviation” (noting that such “deviations” were formerly classed as “psychopathic personality with pathologic sexuality). Transvestism is listed alongside hom*osexuality, pedophilia, fetishism, and sexual sadism as examples of such deviations. Tags: Transvestism; hom*osexuality; Sexual deviation; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

1952-02-00: Haire, Norman. “Is Change of Sex Possible?”. Sexology. Vol. 18, No. 7. pp. 420-7. DTA: xd07gs77h. Tags: Sex change; Eonism; Norman Haire (1892 – 1952); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Transvestist; Lili Elbe (1882 – 1931); Castration; Orchiectomy; Penectomy; Ovary transplantation; Marriage; Gender marker change; Sexology; Terry Brown (1923 –); Eonism; hom*osexuality; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Transvestism.

1952-12-01: “N.Y. Couple Joyous Son Now Daughter”. Boston American. Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Tags: Christine Jorgensen (1926 – 1989); Sexual transformation; Name change; Christian Hamburger (1904 – 1992).

1953-00-00 Hoyer, N. (Ed.). (1953). Man into woman:An authentic record of a change of sex. NewYork:Popular Library.

1953-02-00: Sex Change GI Back in USA ["G.I" Christine Returns Home]. British Pathé. Film. DTA: dr26xx51p. Note that this item is inaccurately dated as occurring in 1949 by some sources; however, Christine Jorgensen did not return to the United States post-surgery until February 1953. Tags: Sex change; Christine Jorgensen (1926 – 1989).

1954-00-00: Walcott, Louis Farrakhan. “Is She Is, Or Is She Ain’t”. Performed by The Charmer with the Johnny McCleverty Calypso Boys. Monogram Records Inc. Vinyl. Tags: Christine Jorgensen (1926 – 1989); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Songs.

1957-00-00: Coward, Noël Peirce. “I Wonder What Happened to Him (Indian Army Officer)”. Noël Coward in New York. Performed by Noël Peirce Coward. Note: One of verses of the song goes: “D'you remember young Phipps? / Who had very large hips / And whose waist was excessively slim? / Well it appears a curious doctor in Washington Square / Gave him hormone injections to strengthen his hair / And he grew something here, and he grew something there... / I wonder what happened to her—him?” Tags: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Songs.

1958-00-00: “He’d Rather Be a Girl”. Hot Songs For Cool Nights. Performed by Ruth Wallis. Wallis Original Record Corp. Vinyl. Tags: Songs.

1959-00-00 Legg's "Berdache and Theories of Sexual Inversion," 1959 Tags: Activism; Female-Female Sexuality; Gender-Nonconformity; Male-Male Sexuality; Native American

1961-00-00: “I Changed My Sex A Week Ago Today”. Performed by Hermione Baddeley. Vinyl. Tags: Christine Jorgensen (1926 – 1989); Sex change; Songs.

1962-00-00 Prince, C. V. (1962). 166 men in dresses. Sexology, 3, 520-25.

1963-00-00 Star, H. J. (1963). “I changed my sex!” The autobiography of stripper Hedy Jo Star, formerly Carl Hammonds. Chicago:NovelBooks.

1964-00-00 Sherman, G. (1964). “I want to be a woman!” The autobiography of female impersonator Gayle Sherman. Chicago:NovelBooks.

1966-00-00: Benjamin, H. (1966). The transsexual phenomenon. NewYork:JulianPress.

1967-00-00 Jorgensen, C. (1967). Christine Jorgensen:Apersonal autobiography. NewYork:Paul S.Eriksson.

1967-00-00: Queens at Heart. Film. Tags: Queens; Drag balls; hom*osexuality; Psychology; Misty; Vicky; Sonja; Simone; New York City; Part-time; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Bullying; Marriage.

1967-09-00: She-Man: A Story of Fixation. Directed by Bob Clark. Film. Tags: Transploitation films; Gender benders; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Forced feminization; Transvestites.

1968-02-00: Vidal, Gore. “Myra Breckinridge”. Little, Brown. Tags: Diaries; Hollywood; Novels; Female domination; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Eunuchs; Orgies; Masochism; Marijuana.

1970-06-00: Kent, Robert E.; St Joseph, Ellis. The Christine Jorgensen Story. Directed by Irving Rapper. Produced by Edward Small. Edited by R. A. Radecki. United Artists. Film. Tags: Christine Jorgensen.

1972-00-00 Jay, K., & Young, A. (1972). Rapping with a street transvestite revolutionary:An interview with Marcia Johnson. In K. Jay & A. Young (Eds.), Out of the closets:Voices of gay liberation (pp.112-20). NewYork:Douglas/Links.

1972-00-00 Prince, V., & Bentler, P. M. (1972). Survey of 504 cases of transvestism. Psychological Reports. 31 (3), 903-17.

1972-11-24: Reed, Lou. “Walk on the Wild Side”. Transformer. Recorded August 1972. Performed by Lou Reed. Produced by David Bowie and Mick Ronson. Tags: Songs; Andy Warhol (1928 – 1987); Holly Woodlawn (1946 – 2015); Candy Darling (1944 – 1974); Joe Dallesandro (1948 –); Jackie Curtis (1947 – 1985); Joe Campbell (1936 – 2005); Lou Reed (1942 – 2013); David Bowie (1947 – 2016).

1974-00-00 Conn, C. (1974). Canary:The story of a transsexual. Los Angeles:Nash Publishing.

1974-00-00 Morris, J. (1974). Conundrum:From James to Jan—an extraordinary personal narrative of transsexualism. NewYork:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

1974-00-00 Thompson, C. J.S. (1974). The mysteries of sex:Women who posed as men and man who impersonated women. NewYork:CausewayBooks.

1975-00-00: Bullough, V. L. (1975). Transsexualism in history. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 4 (5), 561-71.

1975-09-00: Bullough, Vern L. “Transsexualism in history”. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Vol. 4, No. 5. pp. 561-71. Plenum Publishing Corporation. New York City, New York, United States. PMID: 1103789. DOI: 10.1007/bf01542134. Tags: Transsexualism; Transsexuals; Vern Bullough (1928 – 2006); Abbé d'Entragues; Joseph Lobdell (1829 – 1912); Chevalier d'Éon (1728 – 1810); Mary Baker (1911 –); Fernando Mackenzie (1836 –); Nicholas de Raylan (1873 – 1906); Catharine Coome; Joe L. Moneyhand (1923 –); Norville Curtis (1914 – 1975); Adele Best (1869 – 1940); Charley Parkhurst (1812 – 1879); Josephine Montgomery; Charles Winslow Hall (1860 – 1901); John Lynch (1913 – 1971); David Warren (1921 –); Charlotte Charke (1713 – 1760); Eugene Falleni (1875 – 1938); François-Timoléon de Choisy (1644 – 1724); John Coulter (1834 – 1884); Mary Frith (1584 – 1659); Murray Hall (1841 – 1901); Richard Orlando (1909 – 1986); Elsie Marks (1888 – 1946), Ulla Irene Lundin; Frederica (1799 – 1853); William Sharp (1855 – 1905); Georgia Black (1906 – 1951); James Barry (1789 – 1865); Jenny Savalette de Lange (1786 – 1858).

1975-09-01: Lind, Earl. Autobiography of an Androgyne. Arno Press. Reprint. Tags: Androgynes; Ralph Werther (1874 – 1921).

1976-00-00 Katz, J. N. (1976). Gay American history:Lesbians and gay men in the U.S.A. NewYork:T.Y. Crowell.

1977-00-00 Martino, M., with Harriett. (1977). Emergence:Atranssexual autobiography. NewYork:Crown Publishers.

1977-02-03: “Transsexual Tennis”. Kalendar. Vol. 5, No. E-2. p. 2. Kalendar Publications, Inc. San Francisco, California, United States. Tags: Transsexual; Sex change; Tennis.

1978-00-00 Hunt, N. (1978). Mirror image. NewYork:Holt, Rinehart and Winston. International Court System (2010). 45years of noble deeds. Retrieved May 21, 2011, from http://

1978-12-31: County, W. “Man Enough To Be A Woman”. Storm The Gates Of Heaven. Performed by Wayne County & The Electric Chairs. Safari Records. Vinyl. Tags: Songs; Jayne County (1947 –); Transsexuals; Gender identity.

1980-00-00: American Psychiatric Association (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Third Edition. Washington, DC:Author.

1980-00-00: Clark, Joanna M. Legal Aspects of Transsexualism: A Handbook for Transsexuals. Joanna M. Clark. Tags: Transsexualism; Transsexuals; Mary Elizabeth Clark (1938 –).

1980-00-00: Feinberg, Leslie Diane. Journal of a Transsexual. World View. ISBN-13: 9780895670366. Tags: Transsexuals; Leslie Feinberg (1949 – 2014).

1980-00-00: Mary Elizabeth. The Law and Transsexualism: A Handbook for Professionals. Legal Research Project. Tags: Transsexualism; Transsexuals; Mary Elizabeth Clark (1938 –).

1983-00-00 D’Emilio, J. (1983). Capitalism and gay identity. In A. Snitow, C. Stansell, and S. Thompson (Eds.), Powers of desire:The politics of sexuality (pp. 100-13). NewYork:Monthly ReviewPress.

1983-00-00 Richards, R., with Ames, J. (1983). Second serve: The Renée Richards story. New York: Stein andDay. Roscoe, W. (1988). The Zuni man-woman. OUT/LOOK, 1,56-67.

1983-00-00: Callender, C., & Kochems, L. M. (1983). The North American berdache. Current Anthropology, 24, 443-56.

1984-07-04: Kirsten, Sunny. “Developmental Psychology: Gender vs Sex: Independence from Choice of Mate”.,, net.women, net.motss. Usenet. Tags: Androgynes; Psychology.

1986-00-00 Williams, Walter L. (1986). The spirit and the flesh: Sexual diversity in American Indian culture. Boston:BeaconPress.

1987-00-00: Anzaldúa, G. (1987). Borderlands/la frontera:The new mestiza. San Francisco:Spinsters/AuntLute.

1988-00-00 D’Emilio, J., & Freedman, E. B. (1988). Intimate matters: A history of sexuality in America. NewYork:Harper andRow.

1988-00-00 Garber, E. (1988). Gladys Bentley:The bulldagger who sang the blues. OUT/LOOK, 1,52-61.

1988-00-00: Bolin, A. (1988). In search of Eve:Transsexual rites of passage. NewYork:Bergin & Garvey.

1988-01-01: Lynn, Merissa Sherrill. “Definitions of Terms Commonly Used in the Transvestite-Transsexual Community”. The TV-TS Tapestry. No. 51. pp. 19-31. Tags: Transvestites; Transsexuals; Androgynes; Merissa Sherrill Lynn (1942 – 2017).

1989-00-00 Fuss, D. (1989). Essentially speaking:Feminism, nature and difference. NewYork:Routledge.

1989-00-00: Alfanno, Omar. “El gran varón”. Top Secrets. Written 1986. Recorded 1988. Performed by Willie Colón. Vinyl. Note: The song tells the story of “Simón” who travels to the United States to beginning transitioning. She is disowned by her father and later dies of AIDS at 30 years old. According to the composer, the song is biographical, dedicated to a childhood friend. The song is notable in its pleading for acceptance for transgender people as No se puede corregir a la naturaleza, palo que nace doblado jamás su tronco endereza (“Nature cannot be corrected, a tree born curved cannot ever straighten its trunk”). Tags: HIV/AIDS; Songs.

1989-00-00: Anonymous. (1989 [1750]). The female soldier; or, the surprising life and adventures of Hannah Snell. Los Angeles:William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.

1989-00-00: AUTHOR, EDITOR? Passion and Power: Sexuality in History. Temple University Press. ISBN-13: 9780877226376.

1989-02-20: “The Man Who Lived 30 Years As A Woman”. Jet. Vol. 75, No. 20. p. 28. Johnson Publishing Company. Reprint. Tags: Fairies; Georgia Black (1906 – 1951).

1990-00-00 Sullivan, L. (1990). From female to male:The life of Jack Bee Garland. Boston:Alyson Publications.

1990-00-00: “Rufus And Beverly”. Mixed Messages. Performed by Rude Girls. Flying Fish. Vinyl. Tags: Songs; Sex change; t4t. Note” The song features a couple, Rufus and Beverly; there is a “revelation” toward the end of the song: “’For this body you see here before you / Was once more like yours than like mine, / And I sought the compliance of medical science / To change to the sex masculine.’ / Beverly stared back in amazement, / Then said, ‘Rufus, don't rue what you've done. / For I have surrendered a masculine gender / For this other more feminine one.’”

1990-00-00: Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble:Feminism and the subversion of identity. NewYork:Routledge.

1990-00-00: Money, John. “Androgyne Becomes Bisexual in Sexological Theory: Plato to Freud and Neuroscience”. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis. Vol. 18, No. 3. pp. 392-413. Tags: Androgynes; John Money (1921 – 2006); Sexology; Neuroscience; Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939); Plato (428 – 423 BCE).

1990-00-00: Sedgwick, E. K. (1990). Epistemology of the closet. Berkeley:University of CaliforniaPress.

1991-00-00 de Lauretis, T. (Ed.). (1991). Queer theory:Lesbian and gay sexualities. differences:AJournal of Feminist Cultural Studies.3(2),

1991-00-00 Faderman, L. (1991). Odd girls and twilight lovers:Ahistory of lesbian life in twentieth-century America. NewYork:Columbia UniversityPress.

1991-00-00 Hirschfeld, M. (1991 [1910]). Transvestites:The erotic drive to cross dress (M. A. Lombardi-Nash, Trans.). Buffalo, NY:PrometheusBooks.

1991-00-00 Roscoe, W. (1991). The Zuni man-woman. Albuquerque:University of New MexicoPress.

1991-07-30: Huxtable, Kathryn. “Re: Gender behavior (was Having the Balls)”. soc.motss. Usenet.

1992-00-00 Feinberg, L. (1992). Transgender liberation:Amovement whose time has come. NewYork:World ViewForum. Feinberg, L. (1993). Stone butch blues. Ithaca, NY:Firebrand.

1992-00-00 Garber, M. (1992). Vested interests:Cross-dressing and cultural anxiety. NewYork:Routledge.

1992-09-08: Vega, Suzanne. “As Girls Go”. 99.9F°. Recorded 1992. Performed by Suzanne Vega. Produced by Mitchell Froom. A&M. Tags: Songs.

1993-00-00: Duberman, M. (1993). Stonewall. NewYork:Dutton.

1993-00-00: Bullough, V. L., & Bullough, B. (1993). Cross dressing, sex, and gender. Philadelphia:University of PennsylvaniaPress.

1994-00-00 Chauncey, G. (1994). Gay NewYork:Gender, urban culture, and the making of the gay male world, 1890-1940. NewYork:HarperCollins.

1994-00-00 Grémaux, R. (1994). Woman becomes man in the Balkans. In G. Herdt (Ed.), Third sex, third gender:Beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history (pp. 241-81). NewYork:ZoneBooks.

1994-00-00 Nanda, S. (1994). Hijras: An alternative sex and gender role in India. In G. Herdt (Ed.), Third sex, third gender: Beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history (pp. 373-417). NewYork:ZoneBooks.

1994-00-00 Raymond, J. G. (1994) The transsexual empire:The making of the she-male. NewYork:Teachers CollegePress.

1994-00-00 Rothblatt, M. (1994). The apartheid of sex:Amanifesto on the freedom of gender. NewYork:Crown.

1994-00-00 Stryker, S. (1994). My words to Victor Frankenstein above the village of Chamounix:Performing transgender rage. GLQ:AJournal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. 1 (3), 237-54.

1994-00-00: American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington, DC:Author.

1994-00-00: Besnier, N. (1994). Polynesian gender liminality through time and space. In G. Herdt (Ed.), Third sex, third gender:Beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history (pp. 285-328). NewYork: ZoneBooks.

1994-00-00: Bolin, A. (1994). Transcending and transgendering:Male-to-female transsexuals, dichotomy and diversity. In G. Herdt (Ed.), Third sex, third gender:Beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history (pp. 447-85). NewYork:ZoneBooks.

1994-00-00: Bornstein, K. (1994). Gender outlaw:On men, women and the rest of us. NewYork:Routledge.

1995-00-00 Chiñas, B. N. (1995). Isthmus Zapotec attitudes toward sex and gender anomalies. In S. O. Murray (Ed.), Latin American male hom*osexualities (pp. 293-302). Albuquerque:University of New MexicoPress.

1995-00-00 Cunningham, M. (1995). The slap of love. Open City. Retrieved March 18, 2012, from

1995-00-00 Serlin, D. H. (1995). Christine Jorgensen and the Cold War closet. Radical History Review, 62, 136-65.

1995-00-00 Trexler, R. C. (1995). Sex and conquest:Gendered violence, political order, and the European conquest of the Americas. Ithaca, NY:Cornell UniversityPress.

1995-00-00: Bleys, R. C. (1995). The geography of perversion:Make-to-male sexual behavior outside the West and the ethnographic imagination, 1750-1918. NewYork:NewYork UniversityPress.

1995-00-00: Brown, K. (1995). “Changed...into the fashion of man”: The politics of sexual difference in a seventeenth-century Anglo-American settlement. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 6 (21), 171-93.

1995-00-00: County, Jayne. “Transgender Rock ‘N Roll”. Deviation. Performed by Jayne County. Royalty Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Transgender people; Jayne County (1947 –).

1995-11-14: “Your Father Was Once My Mother”. I Can’t Believe I Sang That. Performed by Howie Nave. CD. Tags: Mastectomy; Songs.

1996-00-00 Feinberg, L. (1996). Transgender warriors:Making history from Joan of Arc to RuPaul. Boston: BeaconPress.

1996-00-00: “Tranny Chaser”. Snarkism. Performed by Tribe 8. Alternative Tentacles. Vinyl. Tags: Chasers; Songs; RuPaul (1960 –); Justin Vivian Bond (1963 –); Mistress Formika; Joan Jet Blakk; Drag queens; Chicks with dicks; fa*ggots; Dykes; Strap-ons; Miss Guy; G-Spot Greg; Chloe Transister; Birdie Bob; Camp; Tranny; Songs.

1996-00-00: “Wrong Bathroom”. Snarkism. Performed by Tribe 8. Alternative Tentacles. Vinyl. Tags: Songs; Bathrooms; Misgendering.

1996-00-00: MacDonald, Mac. “All My Exes Change Their Sexes”. Jokee Kareokee. Cassette. Tags: Sex change.

1997-00-00 Denny, D. (1997). Transgender: Some historical, cross-cultural, and contemporary models and methods of coping and treatment. In B. Bullough, V. L. Bullough, & J. Elias (Eds.), Gender blending (pp. 33-47). Amherst, NY:PrometheusBooks.

1997-00-00 Devor, H. (1997). FTM: Female-to-male transsexuals in society. Bloomington:Indiana University Press.

1997-00-00 Drexel, A. (1997). Before Paris burned:Race, class, and male hom*osexuality on the Chicago South Side, 1935-1960. In B. Beemyn (Ed.), Creating a place for ourselves:Lesbian, gay, and bisexual community histories (pp. 119-44). NewYork:Routledge.

1997-00-00 Heidenreich, L. (1997). A historical perspective on Christine Jorgensen and the development of an identity. In B. Bullough, V. L. Bullough, & J. Elias (Eds.), Gender blending (pp. 267-76). Amherst:PrometheusBooks.

1997-00-00 Roscoe, W. (1997). Bibliography of berdache and alternative gender roles among North American Indians. Journal of hom*osexuality, 14 (3/4), 81-171.

1997-00-00: “Mr. Lady”. Pretty Ugly. Performed by Lunachicks. Go-Kart Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Feminine essence theory; Hair removal; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Penile tucking.

1997-00-00: “Mr. Lady”. Pretty Ugly. Performed by Lunachicks. Go-Kart Records. Vinyl. Tags: Songs; Feminine essence theory; Hair removal; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Penile tucking.

1997-00-00: Bolin, A. (1997). Transforming transvestism and transsexualism: Polarity, politics, and gender. In B. Bullough, V. L. Bullough, & J. Elias (Eds.), Gender blending (pp. 25-32). Amherst: PrometheusBooks.

1997-00-00: Califia, P. (1997). Sex changes:The politics of transgenderism. San Francisco:CleisPress.

1997-03-19 Matthews, R. (1927, March 19). Men dance with male “flappers” at artists’ ball. The Baltimore Afro-American,p.20.

1997-06-30: Feinberg, Leslie. Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman. Beacon Press. ISBN-13: 9780807079416. Tags: Leslie Feinberg (1949 – 2014); Transgender people; Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431); Dennis Rodman (1961 –).

1998-00-00 Cromwell, J. (1998). Fearful others: Medico-psychological constructions of female-to-male transgenderism. In D. Denny (Ed.), Current concepts in transgender identity (pp. 117-44). NewYork:Garland Publishing.

1998-00-00 Feinberg, L. (1998). Trans liberation:Beyond pink or blue. Boston:BeaconPress.

1998-00-00 Halberstam, J. (1998). Female masculinity. Durham, NC:Duke UniversityPress. Hale, C. J. (1996). Are Lesbians Women? Hypatia. 11 (2), 94-121.

1998-00-00 Kennedy, E. L. (1998). Lesbianism. In G. Mink, M. Navarro, W. Mankiller, B. Smith, & G. Steinem (Eds.), The reader’s companion to U.S.women’s history (pp. 327-30). NewYork:Houghton Mifflin.

1998-00-00 Lang, S. (1998). Men as women, women as men:Changing gender in Native American cultures. Austin:University of TexasPress.

1998-00-00 Middlebrook, D. W. (1998). Suits me:The double life of Billy Tipton. NewYork:Houghton Mifflin.

1998-00-00 Prosser, J. (1998). Second skins: The body narratives of transsexuality. New York: Columbia UniversityPress.

1998-00-00 Roscoe, W. (1998). Changing ones: Third and fourth genders in Native North America. NewYork:St. Martin’sPress.

1998-00-00: “Dancing With A Man”. Hangin’ With Rodney. Performed by Rodney Carrington. Produced by Tom Griswold. Mercury Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Dancing; Transgender voice; Transfeminine stereotypes related to hands; Misgendering; Wigs; Texas; Alcoholic beverages; Skirts.

1998-00-00: Boswell, H. (1998). The transgender paradigm shift toward free expression. In D. Denny (Ed.), Current concepts in transgender identity (pp. 55-61). NewYork:Garland Publishing.

1998-00-00: Bullough, B., & Bullough, V. L. (1998). Transsexualism:Historical perspectives, 1952 to present. In D. Denny (Ed.), Current concepts in transgender identity (pp. 15-34). NewYork:Garland Publishing.

1999-00-00 Clendinen, D., & Nagourney, A. (1999). Out for good:The struggle to build a gay rights movement in America. NewYork:Simon and Schuster.

1999-00-00 Cromwell, J. (1999). Transmen and FTMs:Identities, bodies, genders, and sexualities. Urbana: University of IllinoisPress.

1999-00-00 Lang, S. (1999). Lesbians, men-women and two-spirits: hom*osexuality and gender in Native American cultures. In E. Blackwood and S. E. Wieringa (Eds.), Female desires:Same-sex relations and transgender practices across cultures (pp. 91-116). New York: Columbia UniversityPress.

1999-00-00 Nanda, S. (1999). Neither man nor woman: The Hijras of India. Stamford, CT: Wadsworth Publishing.

1999-00-00 Rupp, L. J. (1999). A desired past:Ashort history of same-sex love in America. Chicago:University of ChicagoPress.

1999-00-00 Saslow, J. M. (1999). Pictures and passions: A history of hom*osexuality in the visual arts. NewYork:VikingPress.

1999-00-00: American Educational Gender Information Service. (1999). What is AEGIS? Retrieved June 21, 2011, from

1999-08-17: “Switch Hitter”. The Best Of Bitesize. Performed by Bitesize. CD. Tags: Julia Serano (1967 –); Songs; Sex change; Gender affirming surgery (GAS).

2000-00-00 Namaste, V. K. (2000). Invisible lives: The erasure of transsexual and transgendered people. Chicago:University of ChicagoPress.

2000-00-00 Stryker, S. (2000). Introduction. In Christine Jorgensen, Christine Jorgensen:Apersonal autobiography (pp. v-xiii). San Francisco:CleisPress.

2000-00-00 Trebay, G. (2000). Legends of the ball:Paris is still burning. Village Voice. Retrieved March 18, 2012, from

2000-00-00: “”. Changeling. Performed by Jessica Xavier. Gallae Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Jessica Xavier; ?

2000-00-00: “Christine”. Stereodreamscene. Performed by Deckard. Reprise Records. CD. Tags: Transfeminine essence theory; Bathrooms; Songs.

2000-12-00: Denny, Dallas; Roberts, JoAnn. “Annotated Bibliography: Selected readings on transvestism, transsexualism and related subjects”. Transgender Forum. Transgender Forum. Web. Tags: Bibliographies; Transsexualism; Transvestism; Dallas Denny (1949 –); JoAnn Roberts.

2001-00-00 Frye, P. (2001). History of the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy, Inc. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from

2001-00-00 Matzner, A. (2001). ‘O au no keia:Voices from Hawai’i’s mahu and transgender communities. Bloomington, IN:Xlibris Corporation.

2001-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “Desire for Surgical Sex Transmutation: An Insane Fancy of Near Males”. The International Journal of Transgenderism. Vol. 5, No. 2. Reprint. Tags: David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Sex transmutation.

2001-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “Psychopathia transexualis”. The International Journal of Transgenderism. Vol. 5, No. 2. Reprint. Tags: David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Psychopathia transexualis; Transsexuals.

2001-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “Questions and Answers on the Sex Life and Sexual Problems of Trans-Sexuals: Trans-Sexuals are Individuals Who are Physically of One Sex and Apparently Psychologically of the Opposite Sex. Trans-Sexuals Include Heterosexuals, hom*osexuals, Bisexuals and Others. A Large Element of Transvestites have Trans-Sexual Leanings”. The International Journal of Transgenderism. Vol. 5, No. 2. Reprint. Tags: David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Transsexuals; Transvestites.

2001-00-00: Cauldwell, David Oliver. “Sex Transmutation – Can One's Sex Be Changed? There's But a Thin Genetic Line Between the Sexes, But the Would-be Sex Transmutee Battles Forces More Stubborn Than the Genes”. The International Journal of Transgenderism. Vol. 5, No. 2. Reprint. Tags: David Oliver Cauldwell (1897 – 1959); Sex transmutation; Sex change.

2001-00-00: Lombardi, Emilia L.; Wilchins, Riki Anne; Priesing, Dana; Malouf, Diana. “Gender Violence: Transgender Experiences with Violence and Discrimination”. Journal of hom*osexuality. Vol. 42, No. 1. pp. 89-101. Published online 12 October 2008. PMID: 11991568. DOI: 10.1300/j082v42n01_05. Tags: Riki Anne Wilchins (1952 –); Violence; Discrimination; Transgender people.

2001-10-02: “Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!)”. Beautiful Garbage. Performed by Garbage. Interscope Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Dancing; Misgendering.

2002-00-00 Meyerowitz, J. (2002). How sex changed: A history of transsexuality in the United States. Cambridge, MA:Harvard UniversityPress.

2002-00-00 Schacht, S. P. (2002). Four renditions of doing female drag: Feminine appearing conceptual variations of a masculine theme. In P. Gagné & R. Tewksbury (Eds.), Gendered sexualities (pp.157– 80). Amsterdam:JAIPress.

2002-00-00 Stephen, L. (2002). Sexualities and genders in Zapotec Oaxaca. Latin American Perspectives, 29 (2),41-59.

2002-00-00 Whittle, S. (2002). Respect and equality: Transsexual and transgender rights. London, UK:Cavendish Publishing.

2002-00-00: “Boy In A Dress”. Boy In A Dress. Performed by Namoli Brennet. Namoli Brennet. CD. Tags: Songs; Misgendering; Dresses.

2002-00-00: Beemyn, B. (2002). The development and administration of campus LGBT centers and offices. In R. Sanlo, S. Rankin, & R. Schoenberg (Eds.), Our place on campus: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender services and programs in higher education (pp. 25-32). Westport, CT:GreenwoodPress.

2002-10-00: Howe, Robert F. “Covert Force: Hundreds of women fought in the civil war disguised as men”. Smithsonian Magazine. Smithsonian Magazine. Tags: American Civil War (1861 – 1865).

2002-10-01: Meyerowitz, Joanna J. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. 1st Ed. Harvard University Press. ISBN-13: 9780674009257. Tags: Sex change; Transsexuality.

2003-00-00 Totman, R. (2003). The third sex:Kathoey:Thailand’s ladyboys. London:SouvenirPress.

2003-00-00 Troka, D. J. (2003). The history of the first International Drag King Extravaganza. Retrieved July 10, 2011, from

2003-00-00: Beemyn, B. (2003). The silence is broken:Ahistory of the first lesbian, gay, and bisexual college student groups. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 12, 205-223.

2003-00-00: Boyd, N. A. (2003). Wide open town:Ahistory of queer San Francisco to 1965. Berkeley:University of CaliforniaPress.

2003-00-00: Boylan, J. F. (2003). She’s not there:Alife in two genders. NewYork:BroadwayBooks.

2004-00-00 Carter, D. (2004). Stonewall:The riots that sparked the gay revolution. NewYork:St. Martin’sPress.

2004-00-00 Escoffier, J. (2004). NewYork City. In C. J. Summers (Ed.), glbtq:An encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from www.glbtq. com/social-sciences/new_york_city.html.

2004-00-00 Green, J. (2004). Becoming a visible man. Nashville, TN:Vanderbilt UniversityPress.

2004-00-00 Pecheur, J. (2004). The third gender. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from

2004-00-00 Sinnott, M. J. (2004). Toms and dees:Transgender identity and female same-sex relationships in Thailand. Honolulu:University of HawaiiPress.

2004-08-10: “Biological”. Rhapsody In T. Performed by Athens Boys Choir. Daemon Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Chromosomes; Genderf*ck; Butch; Dresses; Biological sex; Penises.

2004-08-10: “Dick Not Jane”. Rhapsody In T. Performed by Athens Boys Choir. Daemon Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Name changes; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Binarism; LGBT; Transgender erasure; Transphobic murder; Suicide; Queer; Sexuality; Gender dissonance; Gender socialization; Genderf*ck.

2004-08-10: “Speculum To Scrotum”. Rhapsody In T. Performed by Athens Boys Choir. Daemon Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Scrotum; Misgendering; hom*osexuality; Sexual intercourse; Speculums; org*sms; Breasts; Transgender youth; Suicide; Self-harm; LGBTQ pride.

2005-00-00 Ekins, R., & King, D. (2005). Virginia Prince: Transgender pioneer. In R. Ekins & D. King (Eds.), Virginia Prince: Pioneer of transgendering (pp. 5-15). Binghamton, NY: Haworth MedicalPress.

2005-00-00 Kailey, M. (2005). Just add hormones: An insider’s guide to the transsexual experience. Boston:BeaconPress.

2005-00-00 Reddy, G. (2005). With respect to sex:Negotiating Hijra identity in South India. Chicago:University of ChicagoPress.

2005-00-00 Rudacille, D. (2005). The riddle of gender: Science, activism, and transgender rights. NewYork:PantheonBooks.

2005-00-00 Silverman, V., & Stryker, S. (Directors). (2005). Screaming queens: The riots at Compton’s Cafeteria [Motion picture]. United States:Frameline.

2005-00-00: “Searching For A Former Clarity”. Searching For A Former Clarity. Performed by Against Me! Fat Wreck Chords. CD. Tags: Songs; Medical doctors; Diaries; Relationships; Death.

2005-02-01: “For Today I Am A Boy”. I Am A Bird Now. Performed by Antony And The Johnsons. Secretly Canadian. Note: One of the inner panels contains children’s letters from a medical journal on intersex and transgender persons as well as gender affirming surgeries. For example: “Dear Dr. I do not want to be a boy. I want to be a girl / Just [like] my sisters.” Tags: Songs; Anohni (1971 –).

2005-06-00: Sears, Clare. A Dress Not Belonging to His or Her Sex: Cross-Dressing Law in San Francisco, 1860-1900. University of California, Santa Cruz. Ph.D. Thesis. Santa Cruz, California, United States. Tags: Cross-dressing.

2006-00-00 Cauldwell, D.O. (2006). Psychopathia transsexualis. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 40-44). NewYork:Routledge. Transgender History in the UnitedStates 45

2006-00-00 Denny, D. (2006). Transgender communities of the United States in the late twentieth century. In P. Currah, R. M. Juang, & S. P. Minter (Eds.), Transgender rights (pp. 171-91). Minneapolis:University of MinnesotaPress.

2006-00-00 Devor, A. H., & Matte, N. (2006). ONE Inc. and Reed Erickson:The uneasy collaboration of gay and trans activism, 1964-2003. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 387-406). NewYork:Routledge.

2006-00-00 Faderman, L., & Timmons, S. (2006). Gay L.A.:Ahistory of sexual outlaws, power politics, and lipstick lesbians. NewYork:BasicBooks.

2006-00-00 Gallo, M. M. (2006). Different daughters:Ahistory of the Daughters of Bilitis and the rise of the lesbian rights movement. NewYork:Carroll andGraf.

2006-00-00 Gender Public Advocacy Coalition. (2006). 50 under 30:Masculinity and the war on America’s youth. Washington, DC:Gender Public Advocacy Coalition.

2006-00-00 Minter, S. P. (2006). Do transsexuals dream of gay rights? Getting real about transgender inclusion. In P. Currah, R. M. Juang, & S. P. Minter (Eds.), Transgender rights (pp. 141-70). Minneapolis:University of MinnesotaPress.

2006-00-00 Raymond, J. G. (2006). Sappho by surgery:The transsexually constructed lesbian-feminist. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 131-43). NewYork:Routledge.

2006-00-00 Rubin, G. (2006). Of catamites and kings:Reflections on butch, gender, and boundaries. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 471-81). NewYork:Routledge.

2006-00-00 Rubin, H. (2006). The logic of treatment. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 482-98). NewYork:Routledge. 48 Transgender History in the United States

2006-00-00 Towle, E. B., & Morgan, L. M. (2006). Romancing the transgender native:Rethinking the use of the “third gender” concept. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 666-84). NewYork:Routledge.

2006-00-00 von Krafft-Ebing, R. (2006). Selections from Psychopathia Sexualis with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct:AMedico-Legal Study. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 21-27). NewYork:Routledge.

2006-00-00: Boyd, N. A. (2006). Bodies in motion: Lesbian and transsexual histories. In S. Stryker and S. Whittle (Eds.), The transgender studies reader (pp. 420-33). NewYork:Routledge.

2007-00-00 Hill, R. S. (2007). As a man Iexist; as a woman Ilive:Heterosexual transvestism and the contours of gender and sexuality in postwar America. Diss. University of Michigan.

2007-00-00 Kennedy, P. (2007). The first man-made man:The story of two sex changes, one love affair, and a twentieth-century medical revolution. NewYork:Bloomsbury.

2007-00-00 Reis, E. (2007). Hermaphrodites and “same-sex” sex in early America. In T. A. Foster (Ed.), Long before Stonewall: Histories of same-sex sexuality in early America (pp. 144-63). NewYork:NewYork UniversityPress.

2007-00-00: “Tranny Got Pack (Revised)”. Jockstraps and Unicorns. Performed by Athens Boy Choir. Twinkle Toes Records. CD. Tags: Songs; Tranny; Phallic packing; Penises; Breasts; Strap-ons; Bisexuality.

2007-12-00: Saunders, Sean. Crossing Out: Transgender In(Visibility) in Twentieth-Century Culture. The University of British Columbia. Ph.D. Thesis. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Tags: Transgender people.

2008-00-00 Docter, R. F. (2008). Becoming a woman:Abiography of Christine Jorgensen. NewYork:Haworth.

2008-00-00 Stryker, S. (2008). Transgender history. Berkeley, CA:SealPress.

2008-00-00: Beemyn, B. G. (2008). Genderqueer. In J. O’Brien (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender and society, Vol. 2 (pp. 370-71). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications.

2008-00-00: Silverrod, Nancy; Stratton, Stephen; Roberto, K. R.; Taylor, K. R.; Taylor, Jami; Davis, Adam. “TRANScending Identities: A Bibliography of Resources on Transgender and Intersex Topics”. Updated by Nancy Silverrod. Compiled for the American Library Association GLBT Round Table. Tags: Transgender people; Intersex people; Bibliographies.

2008-05-06: Stryker, Susan. Transgender History. 1st Ed. Seal Press. ISBN-13: 9781580052245. Tags: Transgender people; Susan Stryker (1961 –).

2009-00-00 Rupp, L. J. (2009). Sapphistries:Aglobal history of love between women. Vancouver:University of British ColumbiaPress.

2009-00-00 Zagria. (2009). Lee Brewster. A gender variance who’s who. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from http://

2009-00-00: “Third Gender”. Drive Away Home. Performed by Good Asian Drivers. CD. Tags: Songs; hom*osexuality; Heterosexuality; Penises; vagin*s; Nationalism; Birth certificates; Incarceration; Harassment; Name changes; Queer Eye (2003 – 2007); Transgender people; Colonization; Bathrooms; Bisexual people; Transsexuals; Queer; Polyamory; Intersex people; Omnisexual people; Pansexual people; Gender neutrality; Genderqueer; Multigender people; Androgyny; Drag kings; Drag queens; Butch; Femme; Two-Spirit people; Bears; Dykes; Tranny; FTM; MTF; Boydykes; Bidykes; Zuni; Lhamanas; Hijras; South Asians; Native Hawaiians; Māhū; Sexuality; Social constructionism.

2009-00-00: “Transsexual Dominatrix”. Objectified. Performed by Shawna Virago. CD. Tags: Songs; Tranny; Leather; Dominatrixes; Sex work; Transsexuals; Patriarchy; BDSM collars; Boots; Sex slings.

2009-05-15: Herring, Scott. Queering the Underworld: Slumming, Literature, and the Undoing of Lesbian and Gay History. University of Chicago Press. ISBN-13: 9780226327921. Tags: Androgynes.

2009-06-30: Meyerowitz, Joanne J. How Sex Changed. Harvard University Press. ISBN-13: 9780674040960. Tags: Sex change.

2010-00-00 Grant, J. M., Mottet, L. A., & Tanis, J. (2010). Injustice at every turn:Areport of the national transgender discrimination survey—executive summary. Retrieved July 16, 2011, from http://

2010-00-00 Shapiro, E. (2010). Gender circuits: Bodies and identities in a technological age. NewYork:Routledge.

2010-00-00 United ENDA (2010). United ENDA. Retrieved July 16, 2011, from

2010-00-00 Winters, K. (2010). Ten reasons why the Transvestic Disorder diagnosis in the DSM-5 has got to go. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from

2010-00-00 Zagria. (2010). Johns Hopkins– part2:1966-1979. A gender variance who’s who. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from

2010-00-00: “Doctor Alan Hart: X-ray Vision in the Archive”. Australian Feminist Studies. Vol. 25, No. 64. pp. 175-87. Published online 20 May 2010. DOI: 10.1080/08164641003762479. Tags: Alan L. Hart (1890 – 1962).

2010-00-00: American Psychiatric Association (2010). DSM-5 development. Retrieved June 10, 2011, from

2010-00-00: Ashburn, E. (2010), Drag shows: Drag kings and male impersonators. In C. J. Summers (Ed.), glbtq:An encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture. Retrieved July 9, 2011, from

2010-00-00: Beauchamp, Toby Cason. Going Stealth: Transgender Bodies and U.S. Surveillance Practices. University of California, Davis. ISBN-13: 9781124226248. Tags: Transgender people; Stealth.

2010-03-30: Salamon, Gayle. Assuming a Body: Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality. Columbia University Press. ISBN-13: 9780231521703. Tags: Transgender people.

2010-04-00: Drescher, Jack. “Queer Diagnoses: Parallels and Contrasts in the History of hom*osexuality, Gender Variance, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual”. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Vol. 39, No. 2. pp. 427-60. Published online 25 September 2009. PMID: 19838785. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-009-9531-5. Tags: Gender variance; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

2010-06-00: Parsi, John. “The (Mis)Categorization of Sex in Anglo-American Cases of Transsexual Marriage”. Michigan Law Review. Vol. 108, No. 8. pp. 1497-525. JSTOR: 20775018. Tags: Transsexuals; Marriage.

2010-10-25: Nalle Neversure. “Definitions Master List”. Asexual Visibility and Education Network. Asexual Visibility and Education Network. Web. Tags: Androgynes.

2010-12-16 Gómez Regalado, A. (n.d.). Transcending. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from http://www.2spirits. com/TrascendiendoEnglishversion.pdf

2011-00-00 Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals. (2011). Directory. Retrieved July 10, 2011, from

2011-00-00 Fantasia Fair. (2011). History of Fantasia Fair. Retrieved June 21, 2011, from History_of_Fantasia_Fair.aspx

2011-00-00 Krieger, N. (2011). Nina here nor there:My journey beyond gender. Boston:BeaconPress.

2011-00-00: Beemyn, G., & Rankin, S. (2011). The lives of transgender people. NewYork:Columbia University Press.

2011-00-00: Boag, P. (2011). Re-dressing America’s Frontier Past. Berkeley:University of CaliforniaPress.

2011-00-00: Camp Trans. (2011). Camp Trans history:Trans inclusion in womyn’s music and MMWF. Retrieved June 19, 2011, from

2011-00-00: Skidmore, Emily. “Constructing the ‘Good Transsexual’: Christine Jorgensen, Whiteness, and Heteronormativity in the Mid-Twentieth-Century Press”. Feminist Studies. Vol. 37, No. 2. pp. 270-300. JSTOR: 23069901. Tags: Transsexuals; Heteronormativity; Christine Jorgensen (1926 – 1989).

2011-01-00: dickey, lore m.; Alie, Laura; Meier, S. L. Colton. “Bibliography of Transgender Literature: 2000-2010”. Tags: Transgender people; Bibliographies.

2011-05-07: “Pinocchio”. All the Livelong Day EP. Performed by Eli Conley and Hip for Squares. MP3. Tags: Songs; Gender affirming surgery; Gender affirming therapy; Medical doctors.

2011-07-21: Abbott, Karen. “The Mystery of Murray Hall”. Smithsonian Magazine. Smithsonian Magazine. Tags: Murray Hall (1841 – 1901).

2011-09-01: Boag, Peter. Re-Dressing America’s Frontier Past. University of California Press. ISBN-13: 9780520270626. Tags: Cross-dressing.

2012-00-00 Ladin, J. (2012). Through the door of life:AJewish journey between genders. Madison:University of WisconsinPress.

2012-00-00 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (2012). Jurisdictions with explicitly transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination laws. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from

2012-00-00 Winters, K. (2012). An update on gender diagnoses, as the DSM-5 goes to press. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from

2012-02-11: “A Guy Named Joe”. 3 Guys & 6 Strings: The Encore. Performed by Joe Stevens. Joe Stevens, Eli Conley, Alex Davis, Storm Florez. MP3. Tags: Joe Stevens; Songs; Name changes.

2012-02-11: “Daughterson”. 3 Guys & 6 Strings: The Encore. Performed by Joe Stevens. Joe Stevens, Eli Conley, Alex Davis, Storm Florez. MP3. Tags: Joe Stevens; Songs; Schools; Public education; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Mastectomy; Michael Brownstein; Dresses; Christianity;

2012-03-05: Roberts, Monica. “The Story of Georgia Black”. TransGriot. Web. Tags: Georgia Black (1906 – 1951).

2012-04-00: Gazzola, Stephanie Beryl. Stereotypes of Transgender Women and Men: Content, Strength, and Valence. University of Saskatchewan. MA Thesis. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Tags: Transgender stereotypes.

2013-00-00 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (2013). State nondiscrimination laws in the U.S. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from

2013-00-00 Trans Bodies, Trans Selves Online Survey (2013).

2013-00-00 Trans Respect Versus Transphobia Worldwide. (2013). Transgender Europe’s Trans Murder Monitoring Project reveals 238 killings of trans people in the last 12 months. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from TDOR2013english/TvT-TDOR2013PR-en.pdf

2013-00-00: “Cameron”. Cameron. Performed by Jillette Johnson. Wind-Up. Vinyl. Tags: Songs; Drag; fa*g; Self-harm.

2013-00-00: “FTM at the DMV”. The Whale That Ate Jonah. Performed by Schmekel. MP3. Tags: Songs; FTM; Judaism; Legal names.

2013-00-00: “Identity”. As Much Truth As One Can Bear. Performed by Mina Caputo. CD. Mina Caputo. Tags: Songs; Mina Caputo (1973 –); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Gender identity.

2013-00-00: “The Binding of Isaac”. The Whale That Ate Jonah. Performed by Schmekel. MP3. Tags: Songs; Judaism; Chest binding.

2013-00-00: Beemyn, G. (2013). Campus Pride Trans Policy Clearinghouse. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from

2013-00-00: Beemyn, Genny. “A Presence in the Past: A Transgender Historiography”. Journal of Women’s History. Vol. 25, No. 4. pp. 113-21. DOI: 10.1353/jowh.2013.0062. Tags: Transgender people; Genny Beemyn.

2013-00-00: Boylan, J. F. (2013). Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders. NewYork:Crown.

2014-00-00: “Girl or Boy (Live)”. All I Wanna Be: Live Acoustic EP. Performed by Dani Shay. CD. Tags: Songs; hom*osexuality; Pink; Blue; Lesbians.

2014-00-00: “Salt”. Language & Perspective. Performed by Bad Suns. Vagrant Records. Vinyl. Tags: Feminine essence theory; Songs; Gender identity.

2014-00-00: “Transgender Dysphoria Blues”. Transgender Dysphoria Blues. Performed by Against Me! Total Treble. CD. Tags: Songs; Gender dysphoria; Transgender people; Transfeminine stereotypes related to shoulders; fa*ggot; Dresses.

2014-00-00: “True Trans Soul Rebel”. Transgender Dysphoria Blues. Performed by Against Me! Total Treble. CD. Tags: Songs; Transgender people; Transsexuals.

2014-00-00: Beemyn, Genny. Transgender History in the United States. Edited by Laura Erickson-Schroth. Oxford University Press. Tags: Transgender people; Genny Beemyn.

2014-00-00: Rawson, K. J. “Transgender Worldmaking in Cyberspace: Historical Activism on the Internet”. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking. Vol. 1, No. 2. pp. 38-60. Michigan State University Press. JSTOR: 10.14321/qed.1.2.0038. DOI: 10.14321/qed.1.2.0038. Tags: Transgender people; Activism; Internet.

2014-06-10: Beemyn “Transgender history in the US” Chronology References

2014-09-00: Longoria, Rolando René, II. The Body Branded: LGBT Hate Murder, Legal Personhood, and Social Responses in the Oxnard, California Case of Lawrence King. University of California, Santa Barbara. Ph.D. Thesis. Santa Barbara, California, United States.

2014-11-00: Vitulli, Elias Walker. Carceral Normativities: Sex, Security, and the Penal Management of Gender Nonconformity. University of Minnesota. Ph.D. Thesis. Tags: Incarceration; Gender nonconformity.

2014-11-13: Bennett, Gavin; Bowman, Christo; Kottak, Miles Scott Atkins; Libby, Ray. “Salt”. Directed by Daniel Cloud Campos. Performed by Bad Sun. YouTube. Music Video. Tags: Music videos; Violence; Transphobia; Gender dysphoria; Feminine essence theory; Hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Gender affirming surgery (GAS); Medical doctors; Gender affirming therapy; Gender transition; Wigs.

2015-00-00: “Tell Me a Story”. Tell Me a Story. Performed by Skylar Kergil. MP3. Tags: Songs; Legal names; Transgender voice.

2015-00-00: Apple, Harrison. “The $10,000 Woman: Trans Artifacts in the Pittsburgh Queer History Project Archive”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 553-64. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3151484. Tags: Transgender people; Archives.

2015-00-00: Besser, Kelly. “Transtextuality (Senate Bill 48): Recovering and Reimagining Trans Histories”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 4. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3151592. Tags: Transgender people.

2015-00-00: Brown, Elspeth H. “Trans/Feminist Oral History: Current Projects”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 666-72. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3151583.

2015-00-00: Crandall, Maxe; Schwartz, Selby Wynn. “Moving Transgender Histories: Sean Dorsey’s Trans Archival Practice”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 565-77. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3151493.

2015-00-00: Vecoli, Lisa. “The Tretter Collection: What We Have, What's Missing, and the Challenges of Trans History”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 2, No. 4. pp. 607-13. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3151529.

2015-08-02: “Masterlist of genders”. Here to help. Tumblr, Inc. Web.

2015-12-16: Lambe, Stacy. “An Oral History of Transgender Representation on Scripted TV”. Out.

2016-00-00: “I Am Her”. I Am Her. Performed by Shea Diamond. MP3.

2016-00-00: Williams, Cristan. “Radical Inclusion: Recounting the Trans Inclusive History of Radical Feminism”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 3, No. 1-2. pp. 254-8. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-3334463.

2016-02-27: Talusan, Meredith. “25 Years Of Transphobia In Comedy”. BuzzFeed.

2016-05-05: Bean, Aliya. “These Girlish Devotions”: Women's Colleges, the Evolution of Romantic Friendships, and the Development of a Lesbian Identity (1890-1939). Brandeis University. B.A. Thesis. Waltham, Massachusetts, United States.

2016-05-05: Raun, Tobias. Out Online: Trans Self-Representation and Community Building on YouTube. Routledge. ISBN-13: 9781317084662. Tags: Transgender people; YouTube; Internet.

2016-11-16: Khan, Farah Naz. “A History of Transgender Health Care”. Scientific American Blog. Scientific American.

2017-00-00: Bender, Geoff. “Recomposing Werther”. Image & Text: A Journal for Design. Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 94-117.

2017-09-17: Skidmore, Emily. True Sex: The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. NYU Press.

2017-11-07: Stryker, Susan. Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution. 2nd Ed. Seal Press.

2017-11-28: Skidmore, Emily. “Troubling Terms: The Label Problem in Transgender History”. NOTCHES.

2017-12-07: Ashley, Florence. “Georgia Black—A Life (Un)Told”. Medium.

2018-00-00: Enke, Finn. “Collective Memory and the Transfeminist 1970s: Toward a Less Plausible History”. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. Vol. 5, No. 1. pp. 9-29. DOI: 10.1215/23289252-4291502.

2018-05-01: Agarwal, Kritika. “What Is Trans History?”. Perspectives on History. American Historical Association.

2018-05-29: deCarlo, Tess. Trans History.

2018-05-31: “Timeline of transgender health care rights”. CNN. Cable News Network.

2018-08-10: Master Conjurer; Julian Mauger; Aster4203; Clarkcj; Cogiati;; et al. “Androgyne”. Gender Wiki.

2018-10-23: Gill-Peterson, Jules. Histories of the Transgender Child. 1st Ed. University of Minnesota Press.

2019-03-00: Hsu, Stephanie. “Fanon and the New Paraphilias: Towards a Trans of Color Critique of the DSM-V”. Journal of Medical Humanities. Vol. 40, No. 1. pp. 53-68. Published online 4 August 2018. PMID: 30076507. DOI: 10.1007/s10912-018-9531-3.

2019-07-09: Giardina, Henry. “An Oral History of the Early Trans Internet”. Gizmodo.

2020-01-21: Baron, Dennis. What’s Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She. Liveright. Note: Based on Baron’s previous work “The Words that Failed: A chronology of early nonbinary pronouns”, available at the Internet Archive here:

2020-03-26: Manion, Jen. Female Husbands: A Trans History. Cambridge University Press.

2020-05-07: Reay, Barry. Trans America: A Counter-History. John Wiley & Sons.

Transgender U.S. History, 1528-2020 · OutHistory (2024)


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